acrobat icon

trying to attach a long list of sub-headers to their pdf’s. I typed all the headers and sub-headers in one html box. I followed the video online and it tells me to go to the Items > Action > Acrobat Icon…I don’t have an acrobat icon.

Can’t I attach to file or pdf instead of going to acrobat? I have those. It works, but it doesn’t give me an option of opening in another window—just the select file and the name file options.

When I click on the tagged type it goes to the hard drive and shows me where it is but doesn’t open it. and another thing—the tagged type id blue, how do i change tyep specs?

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Try the ‘Link to PDF’ action.

Link to PDF gives you the option to Display ‘In Place’ or ‘New Window’


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I did try that as well after I posted—I get nothing in the actions palette, except select file and name but not how to display the file.

Also, if my files are different format, ie word doc, jpeg, etc…can I still use the “link to pdf”?

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This is what you should see with the action item selected

And you would use Link to File for other file types

What version of FW are you using? And what version of Link to PDF (bottom right of the action window) 2.5.1 in my screenshot.


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I’m using Freeway Pro 6 v6.1.1

link to file is 2.4.1

This is what I did;
selected HTML button > drag a box > pasted copy from Word > select a subhead (name) > Items > Actions (no acrobat Icon as per video); then went to Insert > Action Item >link to file > Windows > action (palette) > in the actiuons palette all I get is the File button (where I locate the file) and Name buton.

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pasted copy from Word

First thing - never paste text directly from Word.

It brings along a lot of invisible styling/formatting baggage that you dont want.

Copy from Word and paste into a plain text editor first - like TextWrangler (or TextEdit but make sure it is in Plain Text mode)

Instead of selecting the subhead and inserting the action click in the run of text until you get a flashing cursor and Insert>Action Item>Link to PDF.

You then get an instance of the action in your run of text. Select the action item and you will see the options in the Action palette.

In the ‘Name’ field type the text you wish to become the link text.

If you want to style the text that will appear then make sure that there is a space character before and after the action item. Select the space-action-space sandwich and style as normal.


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It’s working.

I can change the color, size, rollover, etc… but now it gives me an underline on the type. The underline button on the palette is not highlighted.

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Select the container that holds the link and click once on the U next to the Normal Link in the Link Styler section.

If it hasn’t been set then 1 click is Underline off but more clicks will cycle through different states.


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