Crediting Freeway in HTML Code

Testing this on FW 5.2.1 when creating a new document, first delete
the Softpress Tag from the Master page.

After that, the Tag has gone on any further pages are created from
that master.

On an existing site, delete the tag on the Master page/s > publish
and all the child pages have the tag removed.

We too have had friction from having a code generator create a
corporate site. But this is generally from clients that want access
to change code thinking they know better (erm… why did they hire
you!) It can work in your favour to say that the client can’t dabble
with the code if you’ve been delegated to look after it. And seeing
Freeway Generates good code, if they want to take it over, fine, let
them. sleep easy :slight_smile:


On 3 Oct 2008, at 19:50, Dan J wrote:

I’m using 5.2.1. I just re-did it and it still does it. I’m using
a Master page, goes to META tag, sees the generator tag, click’s on
it, delete’s it, publishes, refreshes, see’s it’s gone in the code,
back to Freeway, ctrl+publish everything, refreshes browser, view’s
source…generator code put back in.

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