[Express] Can't move the file location

I have been using Freeway for a while without problems.
Once I went to 'File>Publish Site" and it said, ‘are you sure that you want to publish to the desktop’. I just clicked it (should have thought longer). But now every time I upload or publish it goes to the desktop which I don’t want. How to I tell it to publish to a chosen location on my computer? So that when it uploads it knows where the files are.

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File>Document Setup

Just about a third of the way down there is a button that allows you to select your site folder - click it and navigate through the finder to where you want your files to be stored.


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David, what would simple people like me do without guys out there who know what they are doing.
Thanks, nothing in the User Guide told me that.

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Now that you have set up a new Site Folder you can trash all that clutter from your Desktop.

If you had started your project from a Template then FW would have helpfully created a Site Folder for you alongside a Media Folder and the FW doc itself.

It is a good idea to store all your original images/artwork etc. inside the Media folder (or at least a copy of the originals) so that all these files and folders can stay together.

Generally I would have a Project Folder that contains the FW doc, The Media Folder, the Site Folder and any other miscellaneous files that belong to the Project.

That way if you want to move the whole lot you just need to move the Project folder and everything will go with it.


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