
John Cooper,

I personally think Freeway is still the most intuitive app out there FOR TABLE BASED LAYOUTS. The very mention of tables is a heinous crime worthy of burning at the stake for the Responsive Designers among use, but what I say is nevertheless the truth. I love Freeway for legacy layouts and would never in a million years use another app for that. But we all know the web these days is Responsive or going Responsive. And for that, Freeway never appealed to the web design newbie or even to people like me who have used Freeway since 1999. Sure, many people surpassed me and they love to gloat about that. More power to them. I’m stupid. I’m a dummy. I admit that. And that’s why the old SoftPress motto appealed to me: “For those (James Wages) who don’t see the world as code.” But to get things done in Freeway, modern things, you need a lot of code and fiddling. I hate that.

But even though Sparkle looks like it can be learned in 30 minutes, can I accomplish the same in Sparkle as I have been doing in Freeway? I must admit I am skeptical. And is Sparkle better than the other app Macworld was pitching? And what of Rapid Weaver? Rapid Weaver + Stacks + Foundation looks to beat them all, except on long term cost.

But since my sites are still in a legacy table-based format, I am still happily using Freeway. But as I have been saying in this thread, a year or so from now, Freeway may no longer work and are we really going to forgo OS updates only to keep using Freeway for table-based layout? I think that would be rather silly, which is why I, like so many of you, and exploring other possibilities.

–James Wages

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