Forms To Go ignores form

Chucka said:

Form Setup was set to POST and the action is set to the script created with Forms To Go. That’s it.

There is certainly no evidence of this on the page.

Have you looked at the code on the page in your site folder and double checked you added this at Form Setup

Maybe if you have stuff in Form Setup you could copy/paste it here so that we can see it.


offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

There is obviously a problem with Freeway not generating the form tags. The only thing in the Form Setup is the option of POST, and in the action field there is the php file reference. That’s all there is to it. This is following the FTG tutorial as it is presented on Softpress site. Clearly, Freeway 5.1.2 is not doing what it is supposed to.

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

I’m downloading the update now to test this. I don’t have this
problem with 5.1.1.


On Jun 30, 2008, at 3:45 PM, chuckamuck wrote:

There is obviously a problem with Freeway not generating the form
tags. The only thing in the Form Setup is the option of POST, and
in the action field there is the php file reference. That’s all
there is to it. This is following the FTG tutorial as it is
presented on Softpress site. Clearly, Freeway 5.1.2 is not doing
what it is supposed to.

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

I don’t see why this should affect anything (and probably doesn’t) but is it possible the nested aspect of the form is the problem?

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

Well it is working for me with 5.1.2 - have you tried trashing FW prefs and restarting



offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

On 30 Jun 2008, 8:00 pm, DeltaDave wrote:

Well it is working for me with 5.1.2 - have you tried trashing FW prefs and restarting


I tried that, no improvement. There is something about that page that is keeping it from producing form tags. As a test I copied out the form elements and put them on a blank page. After publishing it FTG saw it with no problem.

Very confusing.

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

Then copy everything off the page - delete it.

Make a new page and paste it back.


offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

I finally got it to work…but I had to rebuild the page to do it. For some reason Freeway was not producing the form tags for that page. Just a bad memory now…

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:


Alright, here’s the rub. It will work ONLY if the layer the form is a child of is NOT a child to the page itself. What I mean is, drawing an html box on a blank page and then drawing the form elements in that box works fine, but inserting an inline box on a blank page then drawing the form elements on that box does not work. For some reason (bug perhaps?) using the later method Freeway does not output the form tags when the page is published.

Very frustrating!

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

I just finished up my third hour trying to figure this out, and I’m
back to square one.

I have this form that I use with Forms To Go:

I swear I tested it when I created it, the same way I test all my
forms, and it was working exactly right. Now, a couple of weeks later,
it’s not recognizing any of the validation, and you can click submit
and it is processed with no info. It ignores the email validation and
the spam protection field and the name field, all of which require
validation, when it should give an error page with messages as to what
is wrong and telling you to go back and fill in these fields or delete
the text in the spam field. I didn’t even know it wasn’t working
properly till someone told me today. The form itself is working, and
we are getting input, but they shouldn’t be able to just click the
submit button and be taken to the confirmation page without filling in
the required information. Yet, that it what is happening.

I have checked the FreewayTalk lists and the Bebosoft forums. I have
added the FormFix action, and when that didn’t make a difference, I
went in and manually added the type=text. No difference. I checked my
FTG file against other forms that are working fine. I even created a
new FTG file and exported a new PHP script.

I tried different things that I read about inline html boxes, not a
child, etc., and I finally recreated the page. Absolutely nothing I
have done has fixed this. I’ve been using FTG for a year now and have
made many forms. In fact, I have three more forms on this website, all
using FTG scripts, all made in Freeway Pro 5. They are working fine:

Please, someone help me! I will give you my first born male child.
Okay, he is 16 now and you probably don’t want him, but surely you
feel my pain!!

I am going to paste my PHP script below, in case it means anything:

<?PHP ###################################################### # # # Forms To Go 4.0.3 # # # # # ###################################################### define('kOptional', true); define('kMandatory', false); define('kStringRangeFrom', 1); define('kStringRangeTo', 2); define('kStringRangeBetween', 3); define('kYes', 'yes'); define('kNo', 'no'); define('kTextDumpFieldSeparator', 'tab'); error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); ini_set('track_errors', true); function DoStripSlashes($fieldValue) { if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { if (is_array($fieldValue) ) { return array_map('DoStripSlashes', $fieldValue); } else { return stripslashes($fieldValue); } } else { return $fieldValue; } } function FilterCChars($theString) { return preg_replace('/[x00-x1F]/', '', $theString); } function ProcessTABCVSField($theString, $textSeparator) { if ($textSeparator == 'tab') { $theString = preg_replace('/t/', ' ', $theString); } $theString = preg_replace('/"/', '""', $theString); return $theString; } function ProcessPHPFile($PHPFile) { ob_start(); require $PHPFile; return ob_get_clean(); } function CheckString($value, $low, $high, $mode, $limitAlpha, $limitNumbers, $limitEmptySpaces, $limitExtraChars, $optional) { if ($limitAlpha == kYes) { $regExp = 'A-Za-z'; } if ($limitNumbers == kYes) { $regExp .= '0-9'; } if ($limitEmptySpaces == kYes) { $regExp .= ' '; } if (strlen($limitExtraChars) > 0) { $search = array('', '[', ']', '-', '$', '.', '*', '(', ')', '?', '+', '^', '{', '}', '|'); $replace = array('', '[', ']', '-', '$', '.', '*', '(', ')', '?', '+', '^', '{', '}', '|'); $regExp .= str_replace($search, $replace, $limitExtraChars); } if ( (strlen($regExp) > 0) && (strlen($value) > 0) ){ if (preg_match('/[^' . $regExp . ']/', $value)) { return false; } } if ( (strlen($value) == 0) && ($optional === kOptional) ) { return true; } elseif ( (strlen($value) >= $low) && ($mode == kStringRangeFrom) ) { return true; } elseif ( (strlen($value) <= $high) && ($mode == kStringRangeTo) ) { return true; } elseif ( (strlen($value) >= $low) && (strlen($value) <= $high) && ($mode == kStringRangeBetween) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function CheckEmail($email, $optional) { if ( (strlen($email) == 0) && ($optional === kOptional) ) { return true; } elseif ( eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-] +)*(.[a-z]{2,4})$", $email) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $clientIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $clientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $FTGmembername = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['membername'] ); $FTGemail = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['email'] ); $FTGmemberbeef = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['memberbeef'] ); $FTGmemberhalibut = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['memberhalibut'] ); $FTGmemberveg = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['memberveg'] ); $FTGguestname1 = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guestname1'] ); $FTGguest1beef = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest1beef'] ); $FTGguest1halibut = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest1halibut'] ); $FTGguest1veg = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest1veg'] ); $FTGguestname2 = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guestname2'] ); $FTGguest2beef = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest2beef'] ); $FTGguest2halibut = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest2halibut'] ); $FTGguest2veg = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest2veg'] ); $FTGguestname3 = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guestname3'] ); $FTGguest3beef = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest3beef'] ); $FTGguest3halibut = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest3halibut'] ); $FTGguest3veg = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest3veg'] ); $FTGtotal = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['total'] ); $FTGonline = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['online'] ); $FTGcheck = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['check'] ); $FTGspam = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['spam'] ); $FTGSubmit = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['Submit'] ); # Fields Validations $validationFailed = false; if (!CheckString($FTGmembername, 2, 80, kStringRangeBetween, kNo, kNo, kNo, '', kMandatory)) { $validationFailed = true; } if (!CheckEmail($FTGemail, kMandatory)) { $validationFailed = true; } if (!CheckString($FTGtotal, 1, 1, kStringRangeBetween, kNo, kNo, kNo, '', kMandatory)) { $validationFailed = true; } if (!CheckString($FTGspam, 0, 0, kStringRangeBetween, kNo, kNo, kNo, '', kMandatory)) { $validationFailed = true; } # Redirect user to the error page if ($validationFailed === true) { header("Location: "); exit; } # Email to Form Owner $emailSubject = FilterCChars("RSVP Anniversary Dinner"); $emailBody = "MEMBER : $FTGmembernamen" . "EMAIL : $FTGemailn" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGmemberbeef $FTGmemberhalibut $FTGmembervegn" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "GUEST #1 : $FTGguestname1n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest1beef $FTGguest1halibut $FTGguest1vegn" . "n" . "GUEST #2 : $FTGguestname2n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest2beef $FTGguest2halibut $FTGguest2vegn" . "n" . "GUEST #3 : $FTGguestname3n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest3beef $FTGguest3halibut $FTGguest3vegn" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "TOTAL IN PARTY : $FTGtotaln" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "PAYMENT METHOD : $FTGonline $FTGcheckn" . ""; $emailTo = 'Anniversary Dinner '; $emailFrom = FilterCChars("$FTGemail"); $emailHeader = "From: $emailFromn" . "MIME-Version: 1.0n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"n" . "Content-transfer-encoding: 7bitn"; mail($emailTo, $emailSubject, $emailBody, $emailHeader); # Confirmation Email to User $confEmailTo = FilterCChars($FTGemail); $confEmailSubject = FilterCChars("Anniversary Dinner RSVP Received"); $confEmailBody = "Thank you for signing up for the 23rd Annual BBRC Anniversary Dinner. The information you submitted is shown below.n" . "n" . "If you made your payment online through PayPal, you will also receive a confirmation email from PayPal with the details of your online payment transaction. n" . "n" . "If you elected to pay by check, be sure to give your check to Sayoko Kuwahara by the deadline of November 3. n" . "n" . "REMEMBER: YOUR RESERVATION FOR THIS EVENT IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL YOUR PAYMENT HAS BEEN RECEIVED, WHETHER IT'S AN ONLINE PAYMENT OR A CHECK!n" . "n" . "More information and directions to the event are available on the sign-up page:" . "n" . "Questions? Contact email@hidden" . "n" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "MEMBER : $FTGmembernamen" . "EMAIL : $FTGemailn" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGmemberbeef $FTGmemberhalibut $FTGmembervegn" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "GUEST #1 : $FTGguestname1n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest1beef $FTGguest1halibut $FTGguest1vegn" . "n" . "GUEST #2 : $FTGguestname2n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest2beef $FTGguest2halibut $FTGguest2vegn" . "n" . "GUEST #3 : $FTGguestname3n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest3beef $FTGguest3halibut $FTGguest3vegn" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "TOTAL IN PARTY : $FTGtotaln" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "PAYMENT METHOD : $FTGonline $FTGcheckn" . ""; $confEmailHeader = "From: email@hidden" . "MIME-Version: 1.0n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"n" . "Content-transfer-encoding: 7bitn"; mail($confEmailTo, $confEmailSubject, $confEmailBody, $confEmailHeader); #==================================================== # Dump field values to a text file = #==================================================== $dumpRecord = sprintf("%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st %st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%s", ProcessTABCVSField($FTGmembername, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGemail, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGmemberbeef, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGmemberhalibut, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGmemberveg, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguestname1, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest1beef, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest1halibut, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest1veg, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguestname2, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest2beef, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest2halibut, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest2veg, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguestname3, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest3beef, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest3halibut, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest3veg, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGtotal, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGonline, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGcheck, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $dumpRecord = str_replace("n", "n", $dumpRecord); $dumpRecord = str_replace("r", "r", $dumpRecord); $dumpRecord = $dumpRecord . "n"; $fileDump = '/home/bbrcnet/public_html/Signups/annivdinner/'; $fileHandle = @fopen($fileDump, 'a'); if ($fileHandle === false) { echo 'Text Dump Error: Cannot write to the text file: ' . $fileDump . '
'; if (ini_get('track_errors')) { echo 'PHP Error: ' . $php_errormsg; } exit; } else { fwrite($fileHandle, $dumpRecord); fclose($fileHandle); } # Embed success page and dump it to the browser $fileSuccessPage = '/home/bbrcnet/public_html/Signups/annivdinner/ paymentthanks.html'; if (file_exists($fileSuccessPage) === false) { echo 'ErrorThe success page: ' . $fileSuccessPage . ' cannot be found on the server.'; exit; } $successPage = ProcessPHPFile($fileSuccessPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGmembername, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGemail, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGmemberbeef, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGmemberhalibut, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGmemberveg, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguestname1, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest1beef, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest1halibut, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest1veg, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguestname2, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest2beef, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest2halibut, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest2veg, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguestname3, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest3beef, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest3halibut, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest3veg, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGtotal, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGonline, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGcheck, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGspam, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGSubmit, $successPage); echo $successPage; exit; ?>

On Jun 30, 2008, at 9:13 AM, chuckamuck wrote:

Robin Stark

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

taking a shot in the dark but make sure you add .php as the suffix to
the page name


On Oct 17, 2008, at 6:45 PM, Robin Stark wrote:

I just finished up my third hour trying to figure this out, and I’m
back to square one.

I have this form that I use with Forms To Go:

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

Okay, I’ll try that … it didn’t work. Also, I haven’t changed any
other form endings to .php, and they are working fine. But, I would
change it to .kalamazoo if that would make it work!

On Oct 17, 2008, at 8:56 PM, Bill McCarroll wrote:

taking a shot in the dark but make sure you add .php as the suffix
to the page name


On Oct 17, 2008, at 6:45 PM, Robin Stark wrote:

I just finished up my third hour trying to figure this out, and I’m
back to square one.

I have this form that I use with Forms To Go:

Robin Stark

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at:

Sorry to reply to my own post, but I also wanted to say that the three
forms on this site that ARE working are doing so without benefit of
the FormFix action. I didn’t even know about that action till I was
searching today. And I am using the latest version of FTG. I always
update right away.

On Oct 17, 2008, at 8:45 PM, Robin Stark wrote:

I just finished up my third hour trying to figure this out, and I’m
back to square one.

I have this form that I use with Forms To Go:

I swear I tested it when I created it, the same way I test all my
forms, and it was working exactly right. Now, a couple of weeks
later, it’s not recognizing any of the validation, and you can click
submit and it is processed with no info. It ignores the email
validation and the spam protection field and the name field, all of
which require validation, when it should give an error page with
messages as to what is wrong and telling you to go back and fill in
these fields or delete the text in the spam field. I didn’t even
know it wasn’t working properly till someone told me today. The form
itself is working, and we are getting input, but they shouldn’t be
able to just click the submit button and be taken to the
confirmation page without filling in the required information. Yet,
that it what is happening.

I have checked the FreewayTalk lists and the Bebosoft forums. I have
added the FormFix action, and when that didn’t make a difference, I
went in and manually added the type=text. No difference. I checked
my FTG file against other forms that are working fine. I even
created a new FTG file and exported a new PHP script.

I tried different things that I read about inline html boxes, not a
child, etc., and I finally recreated the page. Absolutely nothing I
have done has fixed this. I’ve been using FTG for a year now and
have made many forms. In fact, I have three more forms on this
website, all using FTG scripts, all made in Freeway Pro 5. They are
working fine:

Please, someone help me! I will give you my first born male child.
Okay, he is 16 now and you probably don’t want him, but surely you
feel my pain!!

I am going to paste my PHP script below, in case it means anything:

<?PHP ###################################################### # # # Forms To Go 4.0.3 # # # # # ###################################################### define('kOptional', true); define('kMandatory', false); define('kStringRangeFrom', 1); define('kStringRangeTo', 2); define('kStringRangeBetween', 3); define('kYes', 'yes'); define('kNo', 'no'); define('kTextDumpFieldSeparator', 'tab'); error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); ini_set('track_errors', true); function DoStripSlashes($fieldValue) { if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { if (is_array($fieldValue) ) { return array_map('DoStripSlashes', $fieldValue); } else { return stripslashes($fieldValue); } } else { return $fieldValue; } } function FilterCChars($theString) { return preg_replace('/[x00-x1F]/', '', $theString); } function ProcessTABCVSField($theString, $textSeparator) { if ($textSeparator == 'tab') { $theString = preg_replace('/t/', ' ', $theString); } $theString = preg_replace('/"/', '""', $theString); return $theString; } function ProcessPHPFile($PHPFile) { ob_start(); require $PHPFile; return ob_get_clean(); } function CheckString($value, $low, $high, $mode, $limitAlpha, $limitNumbers, $limitEmptySpaces, $limitExtraChars, $optional) { if ($limitAlpha == kYes) { $regExp = 'A-Za-z'; } if ($limitNumbers == kYes) { $regExp .= '0-9'; } if ($limitEmptySpaces == kYes) { $regExp .= ' '; } if (strlen($limitExtraChars) > 0) { $search = array('\', '[', ']', '-', '$', '.', '*', '(', ')', '?', '+', '^', '{', '}', '|'); $replace = array('\\', '[', ']', '-', '$', '.', '*', '(', ')', '?', '+', '^', '{', '}', '|'); $regExp .= str_replace($search, $replace, $limitExtraChars); } if ( (strlen($regExp) > 0) && (strlen($value) > 0) ){ if (preg_match('/[^' . $regExp . ']/', $value)) { return false; } } if ( (strlen($value) == 0) && ($optional === kOptional) ) { return true; } elseif ( (strlen($value) >= $low) && ($mode == kStringRangeFrom) ) { return true; } elseif ( (strlen($value) <= $high) && ($mode == kStringRangeTo) ) { return true; } elseif ( (strlen($value) >= $low) && (strlen($value) <= $high) && ($mode == kStringRangeBetween) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function CheckEmail($email, $optional) { if ( (strlen($email) == 0) && ($optional === kOptional) ) { return true; } elseif ( eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-] +)*(.[a-z]{2,4})$", $email) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $clientIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $clientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $FTGmembername = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['membername'] ); $FTGemail = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['email'] ); $FTGmemberbeef = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['memberbeef'] ); $FTGmemberhalibut = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['memberhalibut'] ); $FTGmemberveg = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['memberveg'] ); $FTGguestname1 = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guestname1'] ); $FTGguest1beef = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest1beef'] ); $FTGguest1halibut = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest1halibut'] ); $FTGguest1veg = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest1veg'] ); $FTGguestname2 = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guestname2'] ); $FTGguest2beef = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest2beef'] ); $FTGguest2halibut = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest2halibut'] ); $FTGguest2veg = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest2veg'] ); $FTGguestname3 = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guestname3'] ); $FTGguest3beef = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest3beef'] ); $FTGguest3halibut = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest3halibut'] ); $FTGguest3veg = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['guest3veg'] ); $FTGtotal = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['total'] ); $FTGonline = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['online'] ); $FTGcheck = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['check'] ); $FTGspam = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['spam'] ); $FTGSubmit = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['Submit'] ); # Fields Validations $validationFailed = false; if (!CheckString($FTGmembername, 2, 80, kStringRangeBetween, kNo, kNo, kNo, '', kMandatory)) { $validationFailed = true; } if (!CheckEmail($FTGemail, kMandatory)) { $validationFailed = true; } if (!CheckString($FTGtotal, 1, 1, kStringRangeBetween, kNo, kNo, kNo, '', kMandatory)) { $validationFailed = true; } if (!CheckString($FTGspam, 0, 0, kStringRangeBetween, kNo, kNo, kNo, '', kMandatory)) { $validationFailed = true; } # Redirect user to the error page if ($validationFailed === true) { header("Location: "); exit; } # Email to Form Owner $emailSubject = FilterCChars("RSVP Anniversary Dinner"); $emailBody = "MEMBER : $FTGmembernamen" . "EMAIL : $FTGemailn" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGmemberbeef $FTGmemberhalibut $FTGmembervegn" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "GUEST #1 : $FTGguestname1n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest1beef $FTGguest1halibut $FTGguest1vegn" . "n" . "GUEST #2 : $FTGguestname2n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest2beef $FTGguest2halibut $FTGguest2vegn" . "n" . "GUEST #3 : $FTGguestname3n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest3beef $FTGguest3halibut $FTGguest3vegn" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "TOTAL IN PARTY : $FTGtotaln" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "PAYMENT METHOD : $FTGonline $FTGcheckn" . ""; $emailTo = 'Anniversary Dinner '; $emailFrom = FilterCChars("$FTGemail"); $emailHeader = "From: $emailFromn" . "MIME-Version: 1.0n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"n" . "Content-transfer-encoding: 7bitn"; mail($emailTo, $emailSubject, $emailBody, $emailHeader); # Confirmation Email to User $confEmailTo = FilterCChars($FTGemail); $confEmailSubject = FilterCChars("Anniversary Dinner RSVP Received"); $confEmailBody = "Thank you for signing up for the 23rd Annual BBRC Anniversary Dinner. The information you submitted is shown below.n" . "n" . "If you made your payment online through PayPal, you will also receive a confirmation email from PayPal with the details of your online payment transaction. n" . "n" . "If you elected to pay by check, be sure to give your check to Sayoko Kuwahara by the deadline of November 3. n" . "n" . "REMEMBER: YOUR RESERVATION FOR THIS EVENT IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL YOUR PAYMENT HAS BEEN RECEIVED, WHETHER IT'S AN ONLINE PAYMENT OR A CHECK!n" . "n" . "More information and directions to the event are available on the sign-up page:" . "n" . "Questions? Contact email@hidden" . "n" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "MEMBER : $FTGmembernamen" . "EMAIL : $FTGemailn" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGmemberbeef $FTGmemberhalibut $FTGmembervegn" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "GUEST #1 : $FTGguestname1n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest1beef $FTGguest1halibut $FTGguest1vegn" . "n" . "GUEST #2 : $FTGguestname2n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest2beef $FTGguest2halibut $FTGguest2vegn" . "n" . "GUEST #3 : $FTGguestname3n" . "MEAL CHOICE : $FTGguest3beef $FTGguest3halibut $FTGguest3vegn" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "TOTAL IN PARTY : $FTGtotaln" . "n" . "----------n" . "n" . "PAYMENT METHOD : $FTGonline $FTGcheckn" . ""; $confEmailHeader = "From: email@hidden" . "MIME-Version: 1.0n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"n" . "Content-transfer-encoding: 7bitn"; mail($confEmailTo, $confEmailSubject, $confEmailBody, $confEmailHeader); #==================================================== # Dump field values to a text file = #==================================================== $dumpRecord = sprintf("%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%s t%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%s", ProcessTABCVSField($FTGmembername, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGemail, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGmemberbeef, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGmemberhalibut, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGmemberveg, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguestname1, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest1beef, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest1halibut, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest1veg, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguestname2, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest2beef, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest2halibut, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest2veg, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguestname3, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest3beef, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest3halibut, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGguest3veg, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGtotal, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGonline, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), ProcessTABCVSField($FTGcheck, kTextDumpFieldSeparator), date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $dumpRecord = str_replace("n", "\n", $dumpRecord); $dumpRecord = str_replace("r", "\r", $dumpRecord); $dumpRecord = $dumpRecord . "n"; $fileDump = '/home/bbrcnet/public_html/Signups/annivdinner/'; $fileHandle = @fopen($fileDump, 'a'); if ($fileHandle === false) { echo 'Text Dump Error: Cannot write to the text file: ' . $fileDump . '
'; if (ini_get('track_errors')) { echo 'PHP Error: ' . $php_errormsg; } exit; } else { fwrite($fileHandle, $dumpRecord); fclose($fileHandle); } # Embed success page and dump it to the browser $fileSuccessPage = '/home/bbrcnet/public_html/Signups/annivdinner/ paymentthanks.html'; if (file_exists($fileSuccessPage) === false) { echo 'ErrorThe success page: ' . $fileSuccessPage . ' cannot be found on the server.'; exit; } $successPage = ProcessPHPFile($fileSuccessPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGmembername, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGemail, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGmemberbeef, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGmemberhalibut, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGmemberveg, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguestname1, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest1beef, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest1halibut, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest1veg, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguestname2, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest2beef, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest2halibut, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest2veg, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguestname3, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest3beef, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest3halibut, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGguest3veg, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGtotal, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGonline, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGcheck, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGspam, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('', $FTGSubmit, $successPage); echo $successPage; exit; ?>

On Jun 30, 2008, at 9:13 AM, chuckamuck wrote:

Robin Stark

Robin Stark
Web Flunky

Instant Messaging:
GoogleTalk: email@hidden
iChat: email@hidden

offtopic mailing list
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Got an answer on this from the Bebosoft forum and, of course, it was
operator malfunction, no surprise there. On the landing page, I had
inadvertently marked the error REDIRECT instead of the error MESSAGE
radio button. And the redirect page was set to the success page. A
stupid mistake and one I didn’t see, no matter how many times I looked
at it. I should have shut my computer down and looked at it again the
next morning with “fresh eyes.”

On Oct 17, 2008, at 8:56 PM, Bill McCarroll wrote:

taking a shot in the dark but make sure you add .php as the suffix
to the page name


On Oct 17, 2008, at 6:45 PM, Robin Stark wrote:

I just finished up my third hour trying to figure this out, and I’m
back to square one.

I have this form that I use with Forms To Go:

Robin Stark
Web Flunky

Instant Messaging:
GoogleTalk: email@hidden
iChat: email@hidden

offtopic mailing list
Update your subscriptions at: