"Getting" Expression Engine and Lightbulbs


We’ve been playing with EE and FW for a bit now and while we ‘get’ how EE templates works we are having real problems getting to grips with how to use the EE action and tags to their full potential in FW.

Has anyone got any guides, or even a FW file or 2 we could poke about in to see how others apply/use tags/paths etc.

/My light bulb is on a dimmer switch.


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I don’t have any that are in a state to share or that I could divulge if they were.

Do you have any specific questions?

When it comes to tags, I learned by running through the EE docs and tutorials.

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Thanks Joe.

We’ve built a site in FW, it’s got a lot of similar pages (20+) all navigated by a CSS menu. In EE we have these pages as ‘templates’.

Back in FW each page has a EE weblog action applied to a html box which EE populates with the correct information in its database.

But are we missing something? Do I need multiple pages in FW that are all the same but for the name of the weblog applied to a html box? - We use the box model/layout and each page gets taken off master which is a pain?

Whilst this ‘works’ its clunky and seems at odds with the ethos of EE?

Am I making any sense?

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I’ve done sites where I used the same template page for all “article” pages regardless of weblog, but the pages that listed the articles in each weblog were different.

In other words, the individual entries were displayed with the same template page. The template pages that listed the entries in a weblog were different. I tried to use the same template for the entries lists, but it was too tricky and complicated to get just right. I suppose it’s possible, but may depend on how different the info is from each weblog you are using.

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