Index.html file not being created.

Been using Freeway for awhile with success & Xway is MUCH improved!

Ran thru the tutorial - very nice & thanks.

Put together a ‘real’ site & looks find in preview… BUT loaded the “Site” and get 404 error.
Turns out no index. html is being created. Did a test withe new ‘virgin’ site and index.html is created.
Is there a way to force Xway to create an index.html file?


Hi Russell,

Glad you’re enjoying Xway!

If you already have a page that you want to be the home page, you can type index.html in the File Name field near the top of the Page Inspector.

Alternatively, you could add a new page and it will be called index.html. Xway automatically uses index.html as the filename when you insert a new page, if the folder where you insert it doesn’t already have an index.html page.

If you have subfolders, it’s helpful to have an index.html page in each subfolder. This means that users will go there automatically if they enter the domain name along with a folder name. E.g. automatically opens

Super & thanks
