Your css files are in fact being uploaded to your page, and are working just fine. But you don’t seem to have the images located in the same place on your server as the css files expect them to be.
If you look in jquery.dataTables.css, you will see this bit of code:
table.dataTable thead .sorting {
background: url("../images/sort_both.png") no-repeat center right;
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc {
background: url("../images/sort_asc.png") no-repeat center right;
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc {
background: url("../images/sort_desc.png") no-repeat center right;
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled {
background: url("../images/sort_asc_disabled.png") no-repeat center right;
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled {
background: url("../images/sort_desc_disabled.png") no-repeat center right;
You need to edit it to read like this:
table.dataTable thead .sorting {
background: url("sort_both.png") no-repeat center right;
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc {
background: url("sort_asc.png") no-repeat center right;
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc {
background: url("sort_desc.png") no-repeat center right;
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled {
background: url("sort_asc_disabled.png") no-repeat center right;
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled {
background: url("sort_desc_disabled.png") no-repeat center right;
See how I took the …/images/ part out of those URLs?
Next, you need to get the images referenced therein up to your server, into the Resources folder. I previously urged you to just drag these images up to the pasteboard above the visible page, but I now realize that since they have underscores in their names, Freeway will likely rename them and make a mess of the references in your page. Better solution is to download Tim Plumb’s Upload Stuff Action from the Forge, and use that to add these images to your Resources folder. It’s very similar to the way the External … Actions work – you pick a file in the Actions palette, and the Action forces Freeway to upload it. There are two sections to the interface – upload with HTML, and upload into Resources. You want the latter.
You’re really very close – this is working just as designed – just missing those photos and the changes to the CSS files that will enable the page to find them on your server.
Finally, if you do choose to go with the CDN route, that traditionally will make the whole thing a lot easier – often the images will be sourced from the CDN along with the scripts and CSS, so it’s a one-step deal. What you lose is the control and security of not relying on someone else for critical function of your site. I got burned once or twice when Prototype was updated on Google’s Ajax CDN and my scripts relied on an older version of the library.
On Jul 8, 2014, at 10:30 AM, Tim wrote:
Hi Dave and Walter,
I’ve installed the JS files locally so, rightly or wrongly, assumed I should follow suit with the CSS files. Would it better to start over again and take the CDN route or carry on as is I wonder?
Again I assumed that if I could upload the CSS files through the Use External Stylesheet action that would work in the same manner as External Javascript action did. So far no luck. No changes to the table.
Finally I assumed that uploading the dataTable’s CSS files to FW would ‘drag’ the required graphics with them. Maybe this needs need to be done separately, I don’t know.
One thing that may or not be pertinent is that I was able to save and copy of DataTable’s JS files in Textwrangler which worked for that side of things. However the CSS files will only save as either AppleScript or a Safari file. I have no idea if this makes any difference.
The two DataTables’s CSS files I’m trying to upload are in their media>css folder, names as follows:
jquery.dataTables_themeroller.css (whatever that is).
All the graphics are in the media>images folder.
I feel sure that I’m missing something extremely simple but can no longer ‘see the wood for the trees’ it seems.
Thank you both for your continued patience.
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