Navigation menus in Xway

Neither of the above work-arounds are substitutes for (at least) proper drop-down menus

What the Popup Navigation Box document gives you is something that is very close to “mega menus” as they appear on Apple’s website. It’s not the same as Freeway-style submenus, but it provides much greater flexibility in adding content and styles.

If you’d like navigation popups to appear automatically, then I think you’d have to add some JavaScript to do that. I hope to look into that in future, but I don’t have time to look at it now.

It’s worth noting that Apple’s “mega menus” require JavaScript to function. They don’t work if you turn JavaScript off (in the Security pane of Safari’s Settings window), but Apple’s website is still navigable because it also uses alternative navigation systems: the main menu and secondary (scrolling) navigation bar don’t require JavaScript. Most people have JavaScript turned on, but it’s good practice to have a navigation system that works if JavaScript is disabled (e.g. for security reasons). Xway’s navigation menus don’t require JavaScript to function (although they use it for non-essential purposes).

You’ve come to Xway from Freeway, so you’re used to Freeway-style submenus - but they’re not really an “essential navigation tool”. They’re not used on Apple’s website, or on (many) other large websites.

Many thanks for your response. I’ll experiment with the Popup Navigation Box document.