Open Intaglio Files

Great. This board strips email addresses.

Do this booted from your Big Sur volume:

  1. copy all your Intaglio files to a suitable USB stick or online file store.
  2. boot Intaglio (it boots even though you can’t open files) and find your registration details under the Intaglio menu.
  3. quit, unmount usb, shut down.

Then do this booted from your High Sierra volume:

  1. install Intaglio and personalise with data retrieved above.
  2. boot Intaglio, confirm functionality.
  3. copy required files to boot volume
  4. process files in Intaglio as required

If you can’t find an installer I’m bound to have one if you can’t get one anywhere else. If you can get me your contact data somehow I can get it to you.


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