Peer review


I’ve made some changes to my website and am hoping for some feedback.

I’ve noticed, using the excellent Net Render Moved that the site doesn’t work on a PC in IE 5.5 or 8, not sure why this is, but no one uses them anyway?

Thank you


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What is your site address?

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That was a mistake and a half!

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Your style is very spare. I think the only comment I would make is your navigation at the top of the page is a bit univiting. Maybe use a contrasting background behind it to give it a little punch.

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I like the widths, text layout etc. but do think the page lacks anything that suggests you are a graphic/web designer!

Perhaps add a bit of life to the page by adding in a top banner above the black bar line rather than just text…design something for it. Also, show off your work more…include screenshots etc or you work on the home page. Just add more colour through the use of more graphics!

Hope that helps, all the best,


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Thanks for the feeback.

My style is influenced by the 1950/60’s Swiss movement and Jan Tschold - very ordered, use of grids, minimal, nothing superfluous etc.

However, you’re right, it is stark. So, I’ve made it a little softer, what do you think

Thank you

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This would look cool with the Carousel action. Just having the case studies be the carousel part and the Clients, Testimonials, Guides, and Contact be the separate pages.

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I think that’s a great improvement! Good choice of graphic…

All the best,


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I agree. It walks like it talks. Very clean.

One tiny thing that might improve it is if you were to make the Case Study link targets a little larger. As it is, they are shrink-wrapped around the tiny numerals, and that means you have to be very precise in selecting them if you want to go anywhere.

Here’s one way to modify this. These links all have the classname ‘item1’ applied to them, and I imagine you are using that to remove the underlines from the links. Open this style for editing in your Styles palette, and press the Extended button. Click New, and add the following Name/Value pair:

name value
padding 2px 4px

Okay that, and add another:

name value
margin -2px 0

Now if you have added any sort of a hover rule for these links, then modify it as follows:

Change the text color to white, and the background-color to red. This will give the clue that your link is clickable as you approach it, and give it a lot more “heft”, making it less missable. You can see an example of this style of link in my site: in any of the footer links.


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Hello Walter

Good advise.

I’ve applied a ‘Text Links Style’ Action to the links in the menu. This allows me to specify what colour I want links and underlines, but nothing else.

How do I apply a text style as you suggest, just to the menu links? I’m aware that I can set text styles for all link on a certain page, from the Inspector/Page/Links palette. But what if I want different styles on the same page?

Thank you

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Looking at the code on your page, you will see that the Action created some new styles in the head of the page:

a.item1:link  { text-decoration: none; color:#000000 }
a.item1:visited  { text-decoration: none; color:#000000 }
a.item1:hover  { text-decoration: none; color:#CC0000 }
a.item1:active  { text-decoration: none; color:#CC0000 }
a.item2:link  { text-decoration: none; color:#000000 }
a.item2:visited  { text-decoration: none; color:#000000 }
a.item2:hover  { text-decoration: none; color:#CC0000 }
a.item2:active  { text-decoration: none; color:#CC0000 }

All you would need to do is “extend” these styles thusly:

Add a new style block through the Page > HTML Markup dialog, selecting the “before /head” section using the picker in the lower-left of that dialog. Paste in the following:

<style type="text/css">
    a.item1 { padding: 2px 4px; margin: -2px 0 }
    a.item1:hover { background-color: red; color: #fff }

Now because this declaration appears after the one inserted by the action, it should override that previous definition. This will have the effect of merging in the padding and margin and background-color properties, since they weren’t there in the first case, and overriding the color property of the :hover rule, since the last definition of any rule “wins”. There may be some versions of some browsers that don’t behave according to these rules, but that’s what is supposed to happen.


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