PHP: Where to Securely Save Cookies

Here is what SL told me, David:

The 777 vs 730 permissions issues stem from the fact that you are
probably creating the folder via SSH or FTP using your system
username. The folder is then owned by your UID and your GID. The
apache server runs as the user and group apache, and therefore 730
permissions would not provide write access for the apache user.
You would need to change group ownership to the apache group
and provide write permissions for group on that folder.

The 644 permissions are based on the standard umask, which is the
unix way of defining what the default permissions would be of a file
created by a specific user.

The FTP user that you see is due to the FTP server model if privilege
separation. The files would be owned by your actual user ID, but the
FTP server displays them as "ftp".

Does that make sense to you?


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