Anger? I’m almost compelled to invoke the overused acronym, “LOL!”

I harbor no ill will toward you or anyone else here. My goodness! So sensitive! Take a deep and breath. (That’s why my father used to say to me. It really helps.)

Do I harbor ill will toward subscriptions? Why yes! Hands down. Unashamed. Never backing down. But that shouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable, unless you work for Adobe. (Or maybe unless you have pledged your undying love to Mrs. Subscription Model. Please pass my regards to her.)

My opposition to the hated subscription model is nothing exclusive to me. And like I’ve said repeatedly, Serif wouldn’t exist without Adobe having gone to a subscription model, which is all the evidence I need to substantiate everything I’ve said thus far.

And as I said, in my most friendly and cordial way possible, MUSE is a great product when one doesn’t think about the long term cost of using it. You are absolutely correct in terms of features and what it can do. And so if someone has the cash now and the cash for as many years as they intend to keep using MUSE, then by all means they should consider it.

Lastly, this is a FREEWAY-centric forum. We are all discussing this on FREEWAYtalk, hosted and paid for by SoftPress. You and I are not discussing this in the “OFF-TOPIC” section of this forum either. So for that reason I am compelled to continue to give my favorite web editor the most love — FREEWAY. Kudos to SoftPress for pressing on in face of the naysayers!

–James Wages

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