[Pro] live twitter feed

Walter, I tried chirp on my site, but it produced a conflict with the RPL action. It could not be published. Is this a known conflict and is there an easy workaround? When I deleted the item with chirp applied to it, it was damaging my site; the footer was on top of the page!

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I haven’t tried the two together. It’s possible that you would need to apply the Remove from RPL Action to the Chirp element, and design your page accordingly.


On Feb 20, 2013, at 11:38 AM, Wimdg wrote:

Walter, I tried chirp on my site, but it produced a conflict with the RPL action. It could not be published. Is this a known conflict and is there an easy workaround? When I deleted the item with chirp applied to it, it was damaging my site; the footer was on top of the page!

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Thanks Walter,
Will try that! Thanks. I now have it here: http://www.appadvies.nl
Don’t like Twitter tracking my visitors! Hope chirp works!
Can I leave it on the same spot with romove from RPL?

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It might be a little tricky in your centered layout. You’ll just have to try it and see.


On Feb 20, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Wimdg wrote:

Thanks Walter,
Will try that! Thanks. I now have it here: http://www.appadvies.nl
Don’t like Twitter tracking my visitors! Hope chirp works!
Can I leave it on the same spot with romove from RPL?

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Well Walter it works. But… I read in this post about styling the feed. However… I still do not quite understand how this works. Can you explain step by step how I can style the feeds in order to have them separated by small lines and show the icons too.

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I just updated the Action to allow you to add that. In the process, I added an external CSS file to set up some basic styles for you to work with. If you want to override these in your page, create new styles within your page that extend these:


In order to ensure that your styles override mine, mix in the ID of your HTML box that you’ve applied the Action to. Click once on the HTML box that you applied Chirp to, and make a note of the Name/ID (Title in Freeway 5 and lower) assigned to it in the Inspector. This value is case-sensitive!

Let’s say you wanted to assign some text styles to the tweets, and your box was named item42. Here’s what to do:

#item42 div.chirp {
	font: 13px/17px 'Helvetica Neue Light', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;
	color: #555;
#item42 a {
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #333;
#item42 a:hover {
	text-decoration: underline;

Now let’s say you wanted to put a darker rule between tweets:

#item42 span.meta {
	border-bottom-color: #333;

There’s lots more you can do once you start fiddling!

Any of these styles could be added in a number of different ways: you could type them into a text file, name it whatever.css and use the External Stylesheets Action to apply them to your page; or you could use the Page / HTML Markup dialog to add a style block to the page head, like this:

<style type="text/css">
	/* paste the styles here */

If you’re especially patient, you could read through the Tag-only Styles article on ActionsForge and learn how to create these styles directly in Freeway. (This is only for the masochistic among us – Freeway’s style editor is massively hamstrung when it comes to actual CSS editing – it’s optimized for other purposes.)

Hope this helps,


On Feb 20, 2013, at 4:05 PM, Wimdg wrote:

Well Walter it works. But… I read in this post about styling the feed. However… I still do not quite understand how this works. Can you explain step by step how I can style the feeds in order to have them separated by small lines and show the icons too.

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Wow, this looks exactly as I want. Thanks very much. I eventually start experimenting with the styles… Thank you very much.

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