[Pro] Send Form woes

Hi, Walter-

If I just link directly to the .php page, I get this:

Notice: Use of undefined constant INPUT_POST - assumed ‘INPUT_POST’ in /webstore/marylandadvocacy.com/public/test/FW_SendForm_untitled1_twoLeft.php on line 90

Notice: Use of undefined constant INPUT_GET - assumed ‘INPUT_GET’ in /webstore/marylandadvocacy.com/public/test/FW_SendForm_untitled1_twoLeft.php on line 94

Notice: Use of undefined constant INPUT_POST - assumed ‘INPUT_POST’ in /webstore/marylandadvocacy.com/public/test/FW_SendForm_untitled1_twoLeft.php on line 106

Notice: Use of undefined constant INPUT_GET - assumed ‘INPUT_GET’ in /webstore/marylandadvocacy.com/public/test/FW_SendForm_untitled1_twoLeft.php on line 107

Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_has_var() in /webstore/marylandadvocacy.com/public/test/FW_SendForm_untitled1_twoLeft.php on line 125

Is this what you’re looking for?

Later, David

The .php page is-

<?php global $errorStrings; global $errors; // CONFIG // Redirect pages $successPage = ""; // Relative path for page to redirect to on success $errorPage = ""; // Relative path for page to redirect to on error, error numbers will be in a GET variable // E-Mail $recipient = "email@hidden"; // Address to deliver form to $subject = ""; // Subject of the E-Mail $from = ""; // From address if server requires it or if E-Mail address is optional $name = ""; // The name of the sender, if required $useRecipientList = "0"; // Should the recipient be matched against options? $recipientList = array( ); // Server $allowsOtherDomains = TRUE; // Variables $input_vars = array( 'nameField' => array( 'title' => 'nameField', 'required' => '1', 'type' => 'firstName' ), 'emailField' => array( 'title' => 'emailField', 'required' => '1', 'type' => 'from', 'filter' => 'email' ), 'subjectField' => array( 'title' => 'subjectField', 'required' => '1' ) ); // Error strings $errorStrings = array( 0 => 'Undefined error', 1 => 'No form submitted', 2 => 'Invalid E-Mail address', 3 => 'E-Mail could not be delivered', 4 => 'sendForm41541', // No real error message for this ); // FUNCTIONS // void appendError(int $errorNum [, string $errorString]) // Append error for processing at the end function appendError($errorNum, $errorString = NULL) { global $errorStrings; global $errors; global $customErrorNum; if (!$errors) $errors = array(); if (!$customErrorNum) $customErrorNum = 0; if ($errorNum > 0 && array_key_exists($errorNum, $errorStrings)) $message = $errorStrings[$errorNum]; elseif ($errorString) $message = $errorString; else $message = $errorStrings[0]; if ($errorNum == 0) { $errors["c$customErrorNum"] = $message; $customErrorNum++; } else { $errors[$errorNum] = $message; } } // PROCESSING // Input // Determine if a form has been submitted and whether it was via POST or GET $input_type = INPUT_POST; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') $input_type = INPUT_POST; elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') $input_type = INPUT_GET; else appendError(1); // Are we in safe mode? $safeMode = ini_get('safe_mode'); // safe_mode can be 'On' or true $safeMode = ($safeMode == 'On' || $safeMode == true); $recipientId = 0; // Before we go anywhere, was the form submitted by a human? if (($input_type == INPUT_POST && !empty($_POST['sendForm41541']) || ($input_type == INPUT_GET && !empty($_GET['sendForm41541'])))) { // Probably not appendError(4); } if (!$errors) { $firstName = false; $surname = false; $parameters = ""; // A form has been submitted, iterate over the expected fields to // produce a message body $emailBody = ''; foreach($input_vars as $key => $var) { $field = NULL; if (filter_has_var($input_type, $key) && ($input_type == INPUT_POST ? !empty($_POST[$key]) : !empty($_GET[$key]))) { // If the field exists and isn't empty, sanitize the contents for security if (array_key_exists('filter', $var)) { switch ($var['filter']) { case 'email': $sanitized = filter_input($input_type, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); if (filter_input($input_type, $key, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $field = $sanitized; if ($var['type'] == 'recipient') { $recipient = $field; $field = ''; } elseif ($var['type'] == 'from' && $allowsOtherDomains) $from = $field; } else appendError(2); break; case 'integer': $sanitized = filter_input($input_type, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if (!empty($sanitized)) { if ($var['type'] == 'recipient') $recipientId = $sanitized; else $field = $sanitized; } break; default: $field = filter_input($input_type, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES); } } else { $group = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY); if(is_Array($group)) { for($i = 0; $i < count($group); $i++) { $field .= "$group[$i]"; if($group[$i+1]) $field .= ", "; } if(count($group) > 1) $field = "[$field]"; } else $field = filter_input($input_type, "$key", FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES); } if ($field && array_key_exists('type', $var)) { if ($var['type'] == 'firstName') { $firstName = $field; } elseif ($var['type'] == 'surname') { $surname = $field; } elseif ($var['type'] == 'subject') { $subject = $field; continue; } } } elseif (array_key_exists('required', $var) && $var['required']) { // The field doesn't exist or is empty but is required appendError(0, "$key is a required field"); } if ($field) { // Add the field to the message body $emailBody .= $var['title'] . ": $fieldn"; } } } // Sending if (!$errors) { // If we haven't had any errors up to this point, try to send the E-Mail if ($firstName || $surname) { if ($firstName && $surname) $name = $firstName . " " . $surname; elseif ($firstName) $name = $firstName; else $name = $surname; } if ($useRecipientList && isset($recipientList)) if (count($recipientList) > $recipientId && $recipientId >= 0) $recipient = $recipientList[$recipientId]; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "rn" . 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . "rn"; if ($name) $fromHeader = "From: "$name" <$from>rn"; else $fromHeader = "From: $fromrn"; if (!$allowsOtherDomains) $parameters = "-f$from"; if ($safeMode) $mailSuccess = mail($recipient, $subject, "$emailBody", $headers . $fromHeader); else $mailSuccess = mail($recipient, $subject, "$emailBody", $headers . $fromHeader, $parameters); if (!$mailSuccess) { // Attempt to send from an address of the same domain as the server if ($name) $fromHeader = "From: "$name" rn"; else $fromHeader = "From: no-reply@" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "rn"; if ($safeMode) $mailSuccess = mail($recipient, $subject, "$emailBody", $headers . $fromHeader); else $mailSuccess = mail($recipient, $subject, "$emailBody", $headers . $fromHeader, $parameters); if(!$mailSuccess) appendError(3); } } // Finishing up $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\'); if ((substr($errorPage, 0, 7) != 'http://') && (substr($errorPage, 0, 8) != 'https://')) { if (strpos($errorPage, "/") === 0) $errorPage = "http://$host$errorPage"; else $errorPage = "http://$host$uri/$errorPage"; } if ((substr($successPage, 0, 7) != 'http://') && (substr($successPage, 0, 8) != 'https://')) { if (strpos($successPage, "/") === 0) $successPage = "http://$host$successPage"; else $successPage = "http://$host$uri/$successPage"; } // If we have errors but the spam trap error is present, we pretend that we succeeded if ($errors && !array_key_exists(4, $errors)) { // We encountered errors so the E-Mail must not have been sent $errorsUrlString = urlencode(implode(",", $errors)); header("Location: $errorPage?$errorsUrlString"); } else { // E-Mail has been successfully accepted for delivery. This doesn't mean it will reach the // destination but that is out of our control now so all we can do is hope for the best header("Location: $successPage"); } ?>

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