[Pro] Using CSS styles

Since the code on my pages became to monstrous, I decided to strip all styling of the fonts. I mayn’t have had a complete success in this, but I did as good as i could.

I made a byline of my own and several more styles. But what looks nice in FW, looks absurd in Safari… There, no sans serif font can be seen, its almost only Times all over!

Some of the texts have lost all proportions; too big in many cases…

What shall I do? Emigrate to a place far, far away…, where Internet does not exist…?

All the best, Cheers, Arne


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I have to say that it’s not that bad at this point. You should determine what styles you really need, and put all (for your page) standard style attributes into ‘Body’; font, size, colour, etc.

Then, create classes for headers, subheads, etc. and only assign attributes that differ from those assigned to Body. So, when you have Times assigned as font-family for Body, and you also use Times for your H1 … don’t assign it again. It’s already there, just focus on the variations.

Create as little styles as possible … this will keep your code and your layout clean and just.

Start with Body, and move on from there … you’re doing great here, just clean up your styles.

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