[Pro] What is the best FW alternative to export website into?

Hi Todd,

all I can say is: Keep your current workspace up. It’s cool cause Pinegrow doesn’t hurt. You can work from both sides. All to make sure is (if it doesn’t happen magically) to refresh that part you changed in the other partner. I tried it and it works a treat.

My current workflow is as follows:

The project folder placed (site folder) on dropbox. It’s a compass project, controlled by CodeKit. My CodeEditor is Brackets and the VCD-interface is Pinegrow. VCD (formerly known as WYSIWYG) can be read as “We see Design”. Literally it is meant as Visual Controlled Design - an expression I created recently :slight_smile:

In Pinegrow you can even see “functions” such as animate.css or owl-carousel. It works without even visiting the browser within Pinegrow. The downside is, that the element-tree displays all “helping” divs coming from scripts, so not sure about the best way to adjust stuff from this side.

I try to avoid Frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation, Materialize) cause I like to work and learn from scratch. Once created the basic elements (theGrid), I’d have to learn to make it reusable (blocks).

I even see a chance for kind of actions or stuff comparable to - let’s say WebYep stuff, just to name one (But don’t nail me here).

There is a WP Kit. Perhaps there could be made something for MODx (your favorite). Who knows. All in all a Pro tool - even for a slow-brainer such as me fool.



I’m full of work these days but when I find a lil bit of time and silence - I’ll try to wrap some scenes in a screencast.

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