Sandboxing and AppleScripts

Sandboxing Mac Apps is here - any application that is updated now has to implement Sandboxing. The concern here is that Actions that use AppleScript in them could be subject to fail in a sandboxed Freeway:

“If, however, a sandboxed app wants to use AppleScript to interact with another app or with other parts of your system—a menubar app that uses AppleScripts to control iTunes, say—then the new restrictions will come into play. A sandboxed app can’t use AppleScript to communicate with another app on your Mac, unless the developer specifically requests (and receives) an entitlement to do just that.”

So, what’s the Softpress position on this - how will Actions that use AppleScript to process data outside of Freeway be affected? I have a few actions that this will potentially impact on, as do others (including, I suspect, Softpress themselves).

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Hi Paul,

The current 5.5 versions (and future updates to those versions) of Freeway in the Mac App Store will not need to be sandboxed because they have already been submitted and accepted - Apple changed the requirement for Sandboxing to only apply to new applications submitted after the deadline, so bug-fix updates can be submitted.

Going forward, we will need to implement sandboxing for future Mac App Store versions of Freeway. As things stand, this is going to limit what is possible in terms of AppleScript, although how it is going to affect your Actions specifically is going to be determined by what you are trying to do with them.

If you give me some examples, I may be able to give you an idea of whether you are likely to be able to continue doing those things in a sandboxed environment.


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OK, thanks. I’ll compile a list and let you know.

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