Save password in upload box

Is there a way for Xway to save the password in the upload box. If I upload and then change something and want to re upload when I open the upload box the password is missing and I have to re enter it every time. Is the password not saved with this document when you open it so you don’t have to re enter it every time?

Hi Martin,

Xway saves upload passwords in the macOS keychain, which is more secure than saving them in the document, but there is a bug (which we are currently looking at) that means they aren’t saved if you click on the Save button. They should be saved (in the keychain) if you click on the Upload button.

Hi Jeremy

Thanks for the reply. Yes I had noticed that it asks for the keychain and admin password.

The save button in that box is greyed out unless you check the delete destination files and folders that aren’t in the local site folder, then it becomes active, but this is something you recommend less experienced users not to do. I would consider myself one of them!

I think freeway contained the password with the document if i remember correctly
which is why it stood out to me today when uploading

I would have just though it simpler to have the password saved in the box with the document even just as dots and if you check the show password you just have to type your admin password and it will show you what it is if you have forgotten it.

It works fine though and I have managed to upload through this box instead of through cyberduck as previously done.

The save button in that box is greyed out unless you check the delete destination files and folders that aren’t in the local site folder, then it becomes active

The Save button becomes active when there are any changes that can be saved (not just for that checkbox) - except (currently) for the Password field. It should also become active when you change the Password field, but it doesn’t do that - this is a bug which we will fix in a future update.

I think freeway contained the password with the document if i remember correctly which is why it stood out to me today when uploading

Early versions of Freeway (before version 5, I think) saved the password within the document, but later versions saved it within the keychain. Otherwise, customers who sent us sample documents would have been giving us access to their passwords, and we didn’t want that to happen (or continue happening). These versions of Freeway also used a very insecure method of encrypting passwords within the document - better than saving them unencrypted, but not much better.

The first time Xway asks to use information stored in your keychain, you have a choice of “Allow”, “Deny”, or “Always Allow”. The simplest thing is to click on “Always Allow”, so that you don’t have to keep doing this for future uploads. It’s possible that you might have to do this twice, if you have previously uploaded from Cyberduck. This is because Xway and Cyberduck generate slightly different keychain entries for the same data (Cyberduck includes default port numbers, Xway doesn’t).

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