Top Margins

I am stuck on how to make the light blue at the top narrower. I have tried Document:PageDiv Margins but that does not seem to work. Any thoughts?

David Gill

Hi David,

If you’re referring to space that appears above a pagediv, this may be caused by a margin that is attached to the first element that is within the pagediv (or to a child of the first element).

For why this happens, look up “collapsing margins” in the Xway User Guide.

To remove this space, click inside the first paragraph that is within the pagediv, or within the first box that is within the pagediv, and change the Top Margin value from “1 em” (the default value for paragraphs) to zero.


Thank you for this advice - it seems to have worked, although the gap above the header (‘brand’) image and the top of the page is still more than I would like.

David Gill

Are there any other margins - either on the pagediv, or on one of the boxes that contains the header image, or on the image itself?

Or padding?

Alternatively, if the vertical alignment of the header image is set to “baseline” (the default alignment), you could try changing this to “top” so that it aligns with the top of the line that it is on (even if that line is otherwise empty, its height is partly determined by the default height of the text at this point).


This was extremely helpful, thank you. It seemed to be the font size setting in the banner section (even though there was no text there).
Best wishes

David Gill