Useful function to get complete URL of current page


I did precisely as you suggested. I used dual-slashes to comment-out those 4 lines inside Freeway Support/Actions/ FAST/SiteMapper.fwaction, as follows:

// Commented-out the next 4 lines as per Tim Plumb 1/30/2017 to prevent page dirtying:
// function fwIsDirty()
// {
// 	return true;
// }

I did that using TextWrangler and saved. I then used File Buddy to delete the “TYPE” (but leaving CREATOR intact), so as to restore the icon.

I then relaunched Freeway.

I opened each of my sites and did a File/Publish. All pages were dirtied and rebuilt. I thought that happened because I just edited the Site Mapper action, however, I then did another File/Publish and all pages got dirtied and rebuilt again, so that means things have not changed. I tried File/Publish a third time, and nothing got dirtied or published, which is normal (even before I commented out those 4 lines).

I then looked in my Site Folder and I see “sitemap.xml” with a modification time stamp showing the same time I published the site. Looking inside, I see today’s date applied.

So it seems that commenting-out those 4 lines has no effect whatsoever. Should I notice something different?



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