Useful function to get complete URL of current page


Now that SoftPress2 is back, it’s perhaps worth your time to reply to me. :slight_smile:

Here it is again…

I commented-out the 4 lines inside Freeway Support/Actions/ FAST/SiteMapper.fwaction, as follows:

// Commented-out the next 4 lines as per Tim Plumb 1/30/2017 to prevent page dirtying:
// function fwIsDirty()
// {
//  return true;
// }

I did that using TextWrangler and saved. I then used File Buddy to delete the “TYPE” (but leaving CREATOR intact), so as to restore the icon.

I then relaunched Freeway.

Pages are still all getting dirtied the same as before I commented-out those 4 lines. And the content of my site maps seem to be getting updated. It’s almost like those 4 lines were always being ignored. Maybe this is the root bug in the Action that is triggering all pages to get dirtied all the time?

Please let me know your thoughts.

Thank you,

James Wages

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Hello Freeway user.
I use the ‘readfeed’-action and i’m happy with it.
But i’m a little bit happier if there would be a simple way to add a linked ‘read more’ element (button or text link) below each

  • ?

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  • ReadFeed allows you to do almost anything with the feed. By default, it creates a link on the headline to the story, but you can get in there with tweezers and do almost anything you like.

    The key thing to understand is that it takes the content of the feed, breaks it into pieces (one per story in that feed) and then breaks each of those stories down into multiple variables. It does not prescribe what those are, but by convention, most RSS feeds include link, title and description, so it uses those as the defaults.

    If you read (with a text editor, not an RSS reader) through the XML that makes up a feed, you will see that there are considerably more options available – a published date, maybe an image tag, all of which can be accessed individually. The PHP code that the Action writes is completely agnostic about this part, and it’s up to you to decide which of them you want to use, and in what order.

    Once the feed has been broken into tiny pieces, it gets filtered back out through a template. This is a snippet of HTML with placeholders in it to describe where the pieces go when you put it back together. You don’t have to use all the pieces, as I will show in a moment.

    The documentation on ActionsForge goes into a bit of detail about this: ReadFeed - ActionsForge (read down to the part where it starts “The template follows the Unix-standard printf format.”).

    The default template looks like this: <a href="%s" rel="new_window">%s</a><br />%s. If you wanted to add a link at the end, you could do it like this:

    <a href="%s" rel="new_window">%s</a><br />%s<br /><a href="%s" rel="new_window">Read more</a>

    Then, in the Elements field, you would also need to account for that additional use of a variable, by changing the value from link, title, description to link, title, description, link.

    See how that does for you. This is (believe it or not) a very tiny and gentle introduction to programming. To get a different output, just change the input. You can do almost anything you want with this Action, because it’s a very simple tool, and does not prescribe a single way to do the job.


    On Mar 21, 2017, at 3:41 AM, H.Banken email@hidden wrote:

    Hello Freeway user.
    I use the ‘readfeed’-action and i’m happy with it.
    But i’m a little bit happier if there would be a simple way to add a linked ‘read more’ element (button or text link) below each

  • ?

    actionsdev mailing list
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    Information for existing FreewayTalk / users - Site Feedback - Softpress Talk

  • actionsdev mailing list
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    Thank youe Walter for this great explanation.

    But your solution didn’t work for me (don’t know why).
    I figured it out with: title, description, link.

    And it worked fine.

    actionsdev mailing list
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