Videos are needed PLEASE!

I started using Freeway Pro back in 2009 once Adobe screwed all the GoLive users. I was not about to use Dreamweaver because I do not think like that. I am extremely dyslexic and I need to see what I do and what to learn, not read. I am Photoshop-friendly and have been using it since PS3.

It is not because I am stupid, for I am the first in the world to offer a written guarantee against any and all vibrational problems for all ceiling-mounted surgical microscopes. I design, build, and install these systems.

The wait for the new “Freeway Pro” has been super painfully slow and has helped to put me in retirement. As is, the instruction manual for Xway for me useless. I do not comprehend it. I am not an HTML, or CSS person at all. I do not do code, though sometimes I can look at the HTML and maybe find an error, but do not bet on it.

What I do know and understand is organic SEO, and I am darn good at it. Getting on the first page of search results is not all that difficult. I had a client for whom I made over 100 websites for his crazy business, 17 different businesses built into one. I could do search queries and have five to eight of my web pages/sites show up routinely on the first page of results. There were dozens of satellite websites.

I think I am about to make my last set of websites using Freeway Pro, before moving to RocketCake as my web builder because it is like a new, more modern version of Freeway Pro. If there is not going to be any video instruction for Xway, there is no use in me trying to use it. RocketCake has lots and lots of instructional videos!

It sincerely has been very frustrating waiting all these years and me not having anything to show for the wait. When will the instructional videos be available?


Hi Robert,

The Xway User Guide is a detailed reference guide (similar to the various Freeway reference guides). You don’t need to read it before using Xway, although you might find it helpful to read the introduction (and look at the appendix on importing Freeway websites if you want to do that).

There are also written tutorials, which are a better starting point. These provide step-by-step instructions for creating a flexible website, adding navigation menus, and using flex layout.

We are working on video tutorials.