Zooming ... wow ...

This is awesome!

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this is great. i am working my way to try and use it in a zencart already. it is for a commercial site also perfect! just imagine trying to sell something.
I only wonder if you don’t get any conflicts with lightboxes/slimboxes etc using js/jquery…

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I only wonder if you don’t get any conflicts with lightboxes/slimboxes etc using js/jquery…

Yes you do

Jquery will not happily coexist on the same page as any native FW actions that use script/protaculous ie transition FX etc or ScriptyLightbox, ScriptyAccordion


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i was affraid it was… thanks Dave

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Doesn’t mean you can’t use it - just don’t mix them.


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Hi all
I do have a working example of freeway built jquery and FW script/protaculous action all working on the same page
I will dig it out and post it for people to see in the next day or two
speak soon max

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can’t stop liking your 'it’s better to …
it makes a lot of sence…
Thanks Max

@Dave, it is not always so very easy, using FW your tempted to do so, and not alway think what can and can’t…
i have the same problem with some other actions…
it should be easier don’t you think?

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Hi, I think Max was referring to this… just paste the script as a mark up in your page.
Use noConflict when using Prototype and jQuery together.

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If you’re going into noConflict mode, then you have to do two things:

First, as you noted, you have to run the noConflict method. But all
that does is return a reference to jQuery that does not use the $

You also have to use that reference throughout your jQuery code, to
replace any case where you see $ as a shortcut for findElementById()

So thus:


would become:

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

So you’ll have to hunt down all the $() references in your jQuery code
and replace them with $j().

On Jan 21, 2010, at 10:29 AM, Peter James wrote:

Hi, I think Max was referring to this… just paste the script as a
mark up in your page.
Use noConflict when using Prototype and jQuery together.

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Hi walt and Peter
no its not that method what it is is adding a lump of extra script to the end of the jquery code and any jquery plugins and making sure jquery loads last

Anyway I promise to hunt i down so I can see what I did
speak soon

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HI every one
ok I thinks this is how I did it on the older jQuery
I don’t know if this works with the newly released 1.4 jQuery

  1. download the frame jQuery library
  2. and add the code below to the end of the

just copy and paste it to the end

// UPGRADE: The following attribute helpers should now be used as:
// .attr("title") or .attr("title","new title")
jQuery.each(["id","title","name","href","src","rel"], function(i,n){
	jQuery.fn[ n ] = function(h) {
		return h == undefined ?
			this.length ? this[0][n] : null :
			this.attr( n, h );

// UPGRADE: The following css helpers should now be used as:
// .css("top") or .css("top","30px")
jQuery.each("top,left,position,float,overflow,color,background".split(","), function(i,n){
	jQuery.fn[ n ] = function(h) {
		return h == undefined ?
			( this.length ? jQuery.css( this[0], n ) : null ) :
			this.css( n, h );

// UPGRADE: The following event helpers should now be used as such:
// .oneblur(fn) -> .one("blur",fn)
// .unblur(fn) -> .unbind("blur",fn)
var e = ("blur,focus,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick," +
	"mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,change,reset,select," + 

// Go through all the event names, but make sure that
// it is enclosed properly
for ( var i = 0; i < e.length; i++ ) new function(){
	var o = e[i];
	// Handle event unbinding
	jQuery.fn["un"+o] = function(f){ return this.unbind(o, f); };
	// Finally, handle events that only fire once
	jQuery.fn["one"+o] = function(f){
		// save cloned reference to this
		var element = jQuery(this);
		var handler = function() {
			// unbind itself when executed
			element.unbind(o, handler);
			element = null;
			// apply original handler with the same arguments
			return f.apply(this, arguments);
		return this.bind(o, handler);

// UPGRADE: .ancestors() was removed in favor of .parents()
jQuery.fn.ancestors = jQuery.fn.parents;

// UPGRADE: The CSS selector :nth-child() now starts at 1, instead of 0
jQuery.expr[":"]["nth-child"] = "jQuery.nth(a.parentNode.firstChild,parseInt(m[3])+1,'nextSibling')==a";

// UPGRADE: .filter(["div", "span"]) now becomes .filter("div, span")
//jQuery.fn._filter = jQuery.fn.filter;
//jQuery.fn.filter = function(arr){
//	return this._filter( arr.constructor == Array ? arr.join(",") : arr );

Then if you have any jQuery plugins you will need to add this bit of script to the end of each plugin even if it look like it the script already has it


then add the jQuery library and the jQuery plugins before
which should make them load after scriptaculous
and thats it as long as you upload all the scripts it should work

all the best max

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missed it this sorry

  1. download the frame jQuery library
  2. and add the code below to the end of the jQuery script

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Hi everyone… sorry for all the typos!!!
but I was typing like mad and I didn’t check my grammar, spelling, punctuation or even if what I had written had made any sense.
So if you cant follow what I am trying to describe then let me know
all the best max

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Hi guys,

Using no conflict will probably be easier than this. You only have to change the name of the $ function in your own code, not that of any plugins you use, so assuming that the zooming thing from the first post is a plugin you’ll only need to amend the code that’s used to call it, i.e. (I replaced $ for fw$):




On 22 Jan 2010, at 22:32, max wrote:

Hi everyone… sorry for all the typos!!!
but I was typing like mad and I didn’t check my grammar, spelling, punctuation or even if what I had written had made any sense.
So if you cant follow what I am trying to describe then let me know
all the best max

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Joe Billings
Product manager

Freeway - Realizing your vision on the web

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that’s easier Jo
I cant remember why I did it the other way other was a reason but I cant remember why

all the best max

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It may be that the noConflict option wasn’t around when you did it. I’m not sure when it was added.

On 23 Jan 2010, at 11:40, max wrote:

that’s easier Jo
I cant remember why I did it the other way other was a reason but I cant remember why

all the best max

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On 23 Jan 2010, at 09:10, Joe Billings wrote:

(I replaced $ for fw$):

I clearly replaced $ for $fw, sorry.


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Now i know it sounds very lazy, but i’m not ( prommised.) but since i’m not that bright in the coding and english department. could you do me a favour? could you post it once like it should be?? no i’m serious! i don’t get it anymore… i made such a mess of it…
and no its not lazyness its plain 'not getting it together anymore-ness)

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I would if I could make it work :slight_smile:

It’s more the sort of thing that would be suited to an Action since you have to go in and remove some of the positioning information that Freeway adds to all the items you put on your page. Even when you do that the results are a little odd (the larger image is totally misplaced).


On 23 Jan 2010, at 14:16, eus wrote:

Now i know it sounds very lazy, but i’m not ( prommised.) but since i’m not that bright in the coding and english department. could you do me a favour? could you post it once like it should be?? no i’m serious! i don’t get it anymore… i made such a mess of it…
and no its not lazyness its plain 'not getting it together anymore-ness)

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Well… Joe… big boss… not to suck up or anything… but are you not one of the people closest to any action-action…LOL

Get motivated, you most be inspirerd now don’t you HAHAHAHAHAHA

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