A little help, please

Not for love nor money can I figure out what I’m doing wrong with this very simple installation …

I’m trying to test this responsive file manager, DEMO PAGE RESPONSIVE filemanager| free open-source php responsive filemanager for tinyMCE 5 e 4, ckeditor http://www.responsivefilemanager.com/demo.php with TinyMCE 4 http://www.tinymce.com http://www.tinymce.com/. Click the folder/magnifying glass icon on the far left of the toolbar to see how the file manager should work.

I’m using the default RF configuration on my own server and while it kind of works (file upload is ok) the file preview/thumbnail doesn’t work. Also, the file browser only shows 1 item (alphabetically) despite there being multiple folders and/or files.

I’m not sure if it’s me, my server, an incorrect path or something else, so towards that end could someone please install it on their own server to see if it works like the demo above?


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