Anyone use Live Motion 2 ?

Hi chaps, I am not in a position to be able to afford ‘Flash’ but can afford Live Motion 2 … I’m pretty OK using After Effects and when I worked for a company with Flash I tended to use it to add “Flashy” bits to After Effects SWF exports (transparency and stuff), also the compression (and therefore file size was better in Flash than AE) … searching the internet I can only find good things about LM2 … so to the point of my post, does anyone have any experience of it, is it any good or am I wasting my time ? Best Roger

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can afford Live Motion 2

Live Motion 2? How OLD would that be? Will it actually run on your Mac?


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I still have a copy, and I think it runs on my G5/Leopard Mac, but I haven’t really tried anything with it in ages. I thought it was a good approach at the time to doing that kind of animation.

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Does Live Motion 2 run under OSX, or is it a classic app? It was a very good animation program with similarities to AE. It was also much easier to use than Flash, but had some major limitations compared to Flash.

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Well well well, I hadn’t even though that it wouldn’t run in Leopard and figured that it was £10 down the drain but I stuck it in the slot in my iMac and during instal got “a classic environment could not be found” but continued anyway and it opened ! … within 2 minutes (it works the same as an old copy of After Effects) I had exported a swf, I now will investigate those limitations, all I really want to be able to do is import something from After effects and add some “Interactivity” when you click with the mouse (cannot be done in After Effects) so I’ll let you know how I get on. Thanks for the response chaps. Regards Roger

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