Auto update element

Hello, I wonder if anyone knows if it is possible to create a simple auto-updating text element that acknowledges the current date. Specifically, I would like to save myself the hassle of updating events on the home page of the (linked below) film website so that after a film screening date has passed the film title is replaced with the upcoming title and its date. Not only to save hassle but if I’m not available I’d like the information to continue to update itself so that there isn’t a gap in the information. Is this a pipe dream?

Currently the next film information is a WebYep element that I manually update but it doesn’t have to use Webyep.

Any thoughts welcome. Thanks.

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Certainly you can do this with PHP quite easily

Couple of examples

I’ll try and post a link to a FW file later.


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Yes it’s possible, unless I completely misunderstand your question.

Swapping content by date is nothing new but it’ll require storing the upcoming events somewhere, and the most obvious place is a database of some sort.

How to get the upcoming events into the db? You probably don’t want to manually edit the db so you need some sort of basic UI, a web form, to write the events to the db.

Once the data is stored it can be accessed and manipulated on the front-end however you like (by date etc.).

Of course, if there’s a simpler way to do it I would be interested.

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Here are a couple of examples. One for a monthly pic and the other for a daily deal.

Download the file from

Between these 2 you should be able to get what you want. If you get stuck then give us a shout but in the case of php pages online we cannot read the underlying php code in the same way we can html so you will have to share that with us.


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Really good of you, David. Thanks. I’ll give it a look and see if I can get my head round it.


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