Captions on photos

I’ve spent the day trying to make a photo album page according to the manual, and just realized I can’t find any place or any instructions on how to put captions on any pictures. Can this be?

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Hi Richard

Which tutorial/instructions are you trying to follow? And what version of FW - Express or Pro

If you are using the Maurice Cowley one that uses Target image (and you are using Pro) you can draw an HTML item under your larger pictures making sure that it is a layer. Insert your text into there and format it how you want it to appear. Give it the same Target number (and group) as the image you are describing. Duplicate in the same position however many images you have and change the text to suit. Make sure that you change the target and Group for each to match the larger images.

If you have Express then Layers is out but you can use Weaver’s Image caption action

This action is attached to each of the larger images and can be used in Pro as well.


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