Center The page

How can you center freeway so no matter what screen size a user have the page will center and have a background that will fill the rest of the screen?

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  1. Make the page the same width as it’s contents.
  2. Select ‘Center’ from the ‘Align’ menu in the inspector when the
    page is selected.

Doing this will center everything on the page.

If you have an image then you need to select the image in the ‘Image’
menu of the same page and then select the tile options relative to the
image you have used and how you want it displayed.

e.g. if you want the central area white and the sides grey you should
create a 4 px high image that has the width you want in white then you
could have say 20 px at each side in grey, select that as your page
image and select center ‘Horizontal’ then tile ‘Vertical’ from the
menus that appear when you select an image. You could then select the
same colour of grey as the page background colour that you used on the
20 px right and left side of the background image strip. When your
page loads the center will be white with grey at each of the sides,
like a white column on grey. As you have the items to center on the
page they will sit over the white area, as you expand the width the
grey will expand and the white column and the page items will line up

Your miniture of you 4 px background image might look something like:


BTW, this post is something that would probably be more at home in the
Freeway talk list, the dynamo list is more for issues beyond this…
such as coding issues or questions.

On Feb 21, 2010, at 3:01 PM, marathon wrote:

How can you center freeway so no matter what screen size a user have
the page will center and have a background that will fill the rest
of the screen?

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