Color Blindness Testing App: Sim Daltonism

I don’t know how I had never bumped into this before: Sim Daltonism for Mac

It’s a really handy (and free) way to see your websites how your color-blind visitors do. At the very least, you should test against Deuteranomaly (effects 6% of men).

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I actually discovered this app when I was writing my book on colour management. Up to 10% of all males have some degree of colour blindness, though many are not even aware of it. Rather curiously I gather it’s rare among Eskimos and it’s much less of common in general among women.

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Colour blindness is a very common type of color vision deficiencies. An app like helps an individual to identify if he/ she has color blindness or not. Many people suffer from this deficiency and they are not aware of it. This app helps the person to know hat kind of color blindness he/she has.

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