Disqus thread; one on page, other not

What can be the reason for this to happen: two people comment on the same page, one comment appears, the other not. I know this because Disqus send me two emails for each comment one.
It happened to me before, then I mailed Disgus, but did not receive any answer to work with and the answer did not come very quick (after several days and my reminder!).
Has anyone a suggestion?


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Are you able to see the one that didn’t appear on your page when you follow the moderation link from your e-mail notification from Disqus? Does it appear in your moderation panel on Disqus when you are are logged in and in the admin panel for that site? My guess is that the person is being blocked by one or more of Disqus’s many spam-rejection filters, and they may not appear on other sites either. If you can get a link to that person’s Disqus account public page (where you can see everything they have ever posted) you may be able to unravel this.


On Dec 24, 2012, at 6:34 AM, Wimdg wrote:

What can be the reason for this to happen: two people comment on the same page, one comment appears, the other not. I know this because Disqus send me two emails for each comment one.
It happened to me before, then I mailed Disgus, but did not receive any answer to work with and the answer did not come very quick (after several days and my reminder!).
Has anyone a suggestion?


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It does appear on the moderation panel. But I think I found a solution! It looks like that Linkedin adds all kinds of text etc. to my URL. When I post an update on Linkedin, and someone follows that link to my site, the page then has been renamed by Linkedin. Today somenone did comment after following this path, while someone else went directly to my site and posted a comment. The latter comment showed, the other not! Logical from the Disqus point of view, because normally comments are linked to URL’s. In Freeway I now added a comment ID, tested it, and it appears to be solution. What do think? Does it sound plausible? If so, it may be a usefull tip for others using Disqus on their site!

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Sorry, last sentence has to be: it appears to be the solution. What do you think?

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That sounds like it might be the issue. Could you please copy and paste the two URLs (normal and LinkedIn-trampled)? There may be a way to filter these so the Disqus thread stays together.


On Dec 24, 2012, at 11:13 AM, Wimdg wrote:

It does appear on the moderation panel. But I think I found a solution! It looks like that Linkedin adds all kinds of text etc. to my URL. When I post an update on Linkedin, and someone follows that link to my site, the page then has been renamed by Linkedin. Today somenone did comment after following this path, while someone else went directly to my site and posted a comment. The latter comment showed, the other not! Logical from the Disqus point of view, because normally comments are linked to URL’s. In Freeway I now added a comment ID, tested it, and it appears to be solution. What do think? Does it sound plausible? If so, it may be a usefull tip for others using Disqus on their site!

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The first is the ‘normal’ one, second, from Linkedin:



But, do you agree that adding a comment ID has done the trick?


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