Embedding Exhibeo2 slider on a GHOST blog

I can place the appropriate code in the body of the page and the JS and STYLEsheet in the header of the page. Not sure where to upload the other files… It says to do so in the same directory as the page holding the slider. Problem is that this info is stored in a database. Can this be made to worK?

Hi Macspud,

You’ve added Exhibeo JavaScript and CSS to a page, but this page is stored within a database? If you add images to a page, are they also stored within a database?


Yes they are. But I figured out that I could use an iframe tag to embed the exhibeo2 index page and this seems to work just fine.

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Might be nice to have a workflow for embedding in a ghost blog.

What would you suggest? That might be useful for other users who are looking to do the same thing.

Good question. On the Ghost blogging platform, there are many integrations possible. Many made possible using the iframe, or embed html tags and their associated options. Image grids while possible in Ghost natively, are rather limited (no themes and a 9 image limit). Ghost supports the following integrations directly: Ghost integration. It would be great to have an option that worked with code injection and perhaps the asset folder.

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