Entering the FTP details into the Upload Dialog and Uploading

Web hosts

Before you can upload your site you will need some web space. There are many web hosts out there to choose from so to make things easy for you, we've found some that work extremely well with Freeway.

FatCow hosting is cheap and feature rich. Our tests showed that they were quick, very easy to upload to and support secure uploading.

InMotion hosting does it all, and they do it with a smile. They have no special requirements and also offer "SpeedZone" technology to get your sites to users as quickly as possible.

These hosts also provide hassle free contact form setup using the PHP Feedback Form Action.


When you're ready to upload your site to the server, you'll need to enter the connection details in the Freeway Upload dialog. Your web host should have provided you with all the relevant information needed, if you no longer have that information you will need to get in contact with them, Softpress cannot provide you with that information.

What to enter:

Upload - Select the upload type, this will usually be FTP but if your hosts supports secure transfers then, depending on the method they support, choose FTPS or SFTP. FatCow hosting support SFTP, for example.

Server - The address of your web server. An example of this looks like ftp.domainname.com, or in IP format 123.456.789.0. This is not the same as your web address (although it can sometimes look the same). Your web address is linked to a particular directory (folder) on your web server.

Port - This field should be left blank unless your host has specified a particular port to connect to the server on. Leaving it blank will use the default port for the method selected (FTP is 21). To use FatCow's SFTP transfer set this to 2222.

Directory - Some hosts require you to upload your pages into a specific directory (this is just a regular folder) on your web server. If you're using FatCow this field should be left blank, if InMotion then enter "public_html" without quotes. If you're using another host then consult them for their details.

Username - The username provided by your host.

Password - The password provided by your host.

Note: Should the Username or Password field be left blank prior to upload you will be prompted to enter them in the next dialog. Doing this will prevent Freeway from storing your password internally.

Web Address - This field is not required unless you are using an Action that needs to know the address of your site. An example of this would be the Create Email Action, which needs to know your site's web address so it can convert all the links to your images and resources to links that can be accessed from anywhere.

FTP Mode - There are different modes of FTP transfer. Choosing Automatic allows Freeway to automatically determine which mode to use, or if you know what mode the server requires you can manually specify it here using the Passive or Non-Passive options.

Save Log - This option will create a record of the upload. If you are having problems uploading, our support team may ask you to enable this option and send them the resulting file. The file will be stored in the folder:

Home(~)/Library/Logs/Freeway 5 Express or Pro/FTP Logs/