[Express] Freewaytalk Admins

Just out of curiosity, who are the official freewaytalk admins? I clicked the PEOPLE button, expecting a list of who does what, but it appears to be just an undifferentiated list of all registered users.

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Anyone who is official will have a little Softpress icon on their Gravatar. I built this system, which gives me a little more access than the average Freeway user, but I don’t work for Softpress in any official capacity (hence my lack of badge).

You’ll see Joe Billings (Softpress UK) on here a lot, and Ian Schray (Softpress US) pops up from time to time. Once in a while, Richard Logan (Managing DIrector of Softpress) will post something, usually an important announcement.

But most of the time, this is a peer-to-peer forum for the user community to support itself.


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And it’s doing so beautifully. I have learned a tremendous amount reading through the posts, and when I ask for help, I always get quick, courteous and helpful answers.

And since you’re the builder, let me say I really like the way freewaytalk is built. It’s a very orderly, rational, user-friendly site.


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Thanks very much. Glad you like it.


On Jul 3, 2009, at 10:58 PM, ENauta wrote:

And it’s doing so beautifully. I have learned a tremendous amount
reading through the posts, and when I ask for help, I always get
quick, courteous and helpful answers.

And since you’re the builder, let me say I really like the way
freewaytalk is built. It’s a very orderly, rational, user-friendly


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Walter, I have always had a problem with the PEOPLE section of freewaytalk. Whenever I have tried to access this area my browser (usually Firefox but sometimes others) just gets a “waiting for freewaytalk.net” indication that never ends. When I stop loading the page freewaytalk stops responding altogether.

Any idea what’s happening there?


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This was a problem a while back, when I had all the Gravatars showing on the index page. Have you tried it recently? I took all the Gravatars off (since the list grew to thousands and it would take literally forever for all of those individual requests to the gravatar server to resolve).

If it’s still a problem for you, I can look at adding pagination to that list. It’s not a problem here, but then I’m using fairly state-of-the-art computers and a very studly broadband connection.


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Yep, I just tried it a few minutes ago. I’m using a new MacBook with a typical DSL connection via a wireless modem.


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And it loads and loads forever? Please do me a favor, and try two things:

  1. Empty your browser cache, quit your browser, and try again.
  2. If you have Firebug installed, open it and switch to the Net tab, then reload the page. If you don’t have Firebug, use Safari and the Developer menu option “Show Web Inspector”. Watch as the page loads (or tries to) and see if there are one or more elements that are either of undefined size, or just ridiculous size.



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OK, I don’t have Firebug so I switched to Safari, went to Develop, chose to show the Web Inspector and clicked on People. Safari shows that it is contacting “freewaytalk.net” but never actually starts to load the page. The info in the Web Inspector is for the current page which in this case is just the freewaytalk home page. Safari tried to load the page for about 5 minutes, then I got an error message saying Safari couldn’t open the page because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection.

I’m not sure I did everything correctly but I think I did. Unfortunately the size info in the Web Inspector is for the home page (biggest item effects.js 37.84kb).


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Actually, I’ve had the same problem, using Safari on my Mac G4. When I fussed out-loud about it, my husband, working in the same room at his Windows machine, typed the URL into Internet Explorer - and the People page popped up instantly. Go figure. I assumed it was the fault of my G4 or the current iteration of Safari. I admit, I’m a tad relieved that I’m not alone.

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Walter, I installed Firebug and tried to load the People page with the Net tab open. I get the same result. Nothing actually starts loading and Firebug continues to indicate that it is waiting for www.freewaytalk.net


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It’s no problem for me. Loads fairly quickly in fact.


On 4 Jul 2009, at 18:37, Warner wrote:

Walter, I installed Firebug and tried to load the People page with
the Net tab open. I get the same result. Nothing actually starts
loading and Firebug continues to indicate that it is waiting for www.freewaytalk.net


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Yeah, I don’t know what the issue is but I’ve never been able to get access to that section of the site on either of the laptops I’ve had since I started visiting freewaytalk. It’s not a big problem, I was just wondering why it doesn’t work for me.


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