[Express] Wordpress CMS

Hello, I am new to Freeway and I am working on my first website. I have heard a lot about Wordpress CMS and I am wondering if it is possible to integrate it with my Freeway website. I am hosting with godaddy and on their website it looks pretty easy to integrate Wordpress but I don’t know if it is possible with Freeway. I am not sure if I understand things correctly with Wordpress it is all pretty new and confusing to me.
I would be very grateful if somebody could help me.

Thanks a lot,

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Hi Heidi,

It’s possible but I don’t know if it’s doable with Express. That said, currently there are no dedicated Wordpress actions to ease the process so it would be a lot of work to turn a FW layout into a WP template, especially if your new to this kind of thing. You would need a basic understanding of how a WP template functions and that, in and of itself, can be a steep learning curve. Sometimes finding a WP template that’s close to the look you want and modifying it to your needs is quicker, though that precludes FW.

If you’re not set on WP then there are other options such as WebYep, Expression Engine, Joomla, all of which have their own suite of (commercial) actions to use with FW. There are also many other lightweight CMS options that are relatively easy to integrate with FW that don’t rely on actions. Just ask if you’re interested.


I have heard a lot about Wordpress CMS and I am wondering if it is possible to integrate it with my Freeway website.

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Hi Todd,

Thank you so much for your reply. Would WP be easier with FW Pro?

Which other CMS would you suggest. Do all of them need a lot off html knowledge? I have heard a lot about Joomla, is that hard to integrate with Freeway?


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I think what you should ask yourself first is - Do I need a CMS?

Do you understand what it is and what it is for?

Is this a site for yourself or a client?

If for yourself then do you need to be able to add/update the site outwith FW?

If for a client - what exactly do they require in the way of updatability ie do they just want to add some news snippets or something similar.

Also remember that if they can update the site themselves then they don’t need you any more.


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Not easier so much as possible. I’m not sure Express has the necessary functionality to do this, but I could be wrong. Either way WP will require a lot of technical work to integrate with FW.

Your choice of CMS depends greatly on what you (or your client) needs it do. They all require some degree of code work, some of it very, very minor and others a whole bunch. There are Joomla actions but I’ve never tried them. Arguably, the easiest CMS to integrate with FW is WebYep and Pulse. They are both very lightweight and nothing at all like Wordpress but they can be perfect for modest needs all the same. I really like Perch and MojoMotor, neither of which are supported by actions but can be easily integrated into a FW site but both will require some hands-on work, ie, no actions.


Thank you so much for your reply. Would WP be easier with FW Pro?

Which other CMS would you suggest. Do all of them need a lot off html knowledge? I have heard a lot about Joomla, is that hard to integrate with Freeway?

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The website is for my husband’s training group and he would like to do some updates when I am not around. He doesn’t need to update a lot just some text, pictures and pdf’s here and there. Which one do you think is most suitable?

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If that’s all you need then look closely at WebYep first. Pulse and MiniCMS might be worth a glance too.


The website is for my husband’s training group and he would like to do some updates when I am not around. He doesn’t need to update a lot just some text, pictures and pdf’s here and there. Which one do you think is most suitable?

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Which one do you like best? Or which one is the easiest to integrate and navigate?

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Of the 3 I’ve only used WebYep. Pulse might be even easier to implement and many here speak very highly of it. They’re both easy to integrate w/FW so really it’s a matter of splitting hairs in that regard. One might have a better feature-set for your needs. Try the demos and see.


Which one do you like best? Or which one is the easiest to integrate and navigate?

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I was just looking at Pulse and it looks like what I am looking for. I was just doing a search for the Freeway action for Pulse but I couldn’t find it, isn’t there one?

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Nope. But you really don’t need one. Pulse is about as simple as it gets. Someone here will be able to answer any questions you have and I think the Pulse dev even pops in once in awhile.


I was just looking at Pulse and it looks like what I am looking for. I was just doing a search for the Freeway action for Pulse but I couldn’t find it, isn’t there one?

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Ok, thank you so much for all your help and your fast answers. I will definitely try Pulse.

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