Fill effects?


I’m desperately in search for the way to fill a text field with a gradual fill.
Or this is something so obvious that I don’t see it, or it is very well hidden.
I can’t find a way to do that …
It is posible, is it?
Could someone point me in the right direction, please?

Thanks in advance!


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A text field with a background image would be coded as: so you could try extending the field and adding…

name | value

style | url(‘’)

you would need to make sure you have the image uploaded to the
Resources folder for the above to work, you could do this using an ftp
client or the Extra Resources action.


On Jan 2, 2009, at 10:49 PM, Christian Nuytten wrote:


I’m desperately in search for the way to fill a text field with a
gradual fill.
Or this is something so obvious that I don’t see it, or it is very
well hidden.
I can’t find a way to do that …
It is posible, is it?
Could someone point me in the right direction, please?

Thanks in advance!


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Sorry that was a bit rushed:

  1. Create your background fade image, say 16 high by 2 wide (Adjust height as per your field height).

  2. Select the text field on your page

  3. Select: Item > Extended…

  4. Press the ‘New’ button

  5. Enter ‘style’ (without quotes) in the name and url(‘’); (exactly as here but change the domain and the image name) for the value. Actually you should be able to use just: url(‘Resources/some_image.gif’); for the value.

  6. Add the ‘Extra resources’ action to something on the same page

  7. Select the image you are using for the fade

  8. Publish the site

That will give you a background fade in a text field.

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Hi Mike,

Thanks for your help!

It is not a background image I had in mind.
I remembered from a quicktime ‘screencastonline’ movie, showing a demonstration of FWE4, that the creator of the movie, while showing off the product, used a gradual fill!!
So, I have been delving in the menu structure trying to find that item an also to understand better the inner workings of FWPro :wink:
After a while, I found what I wanted using a ‘Graphic Rectangle’ item and then going to the ‘item’ menu and choosing from there in the actions submenu - ‘Fill Master’. Phew!
That did the trick!
The only thing that annoys me is that the screen doesn’t update to show the setting that I change (colors etc)!?!? To view the effect I have to use the ‘Preview’ button. (Is this normal behaviour?)

I’m rather new to these things so many thanks for your indulgence and help!


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When I add the the Fill Master action and change the colors, it shows
in the page. I don’t have to go to Preview to see it. I don’t know why
you have to click the Preview button to see your fill or color
changes. Maybe somebody else has an idea of why that is happening.

I also wanted to say that by adding text to a graphics box, your text
will no longer be HTML. Is that what you want? Mike’s method with the
background image will allow you to have HTML text and the gradient
fill. Or, maybe you are adding an HTML text layer over the top of your
graphics box?

Robin Stark

On Jan 2, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Christian Nuytten wrote:

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your help!

It is not a background image I had in mind.
I remembered from a quicktime ‘screencastonline’ movie, showing a
demonstration of FWE4, that the creator of the movie, while showing
off the product, used a gradual fill!!
So, I have been delving in the menu structure trying to find that
item an also to understand better the inner workings of FWPro :wink:
After a while, I found what I wanted using a ‘Graphic Rectangle’
item and then going to the ‘item’ menu and choosing from there in
the actions submenu - ‘Fill Master’. Phew!
That did the trick!
The only thing that annoys me is that the screen doesn’t update to
show the setting that I change (colors etc)!?!? To view the effect I
have to use the ‘Preview’ button. (Is this normal behaviour?)

I’m rather new to these things so many thanks for your indulgence
and help!


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Hi Robin,

I found out why I had to use the Preview Button.
Stupid me. The solution is to go to the View menu and to select ‘Graphics Preview’, which in my case was turned off.
That solved the problem.
I cannot say what I prefer for the moment: HTML or not.
It is easy now to set up the grahic item and to fill with gradual fill and text to achieve what I want.
I will think this over. Is it the search engine will not index when it is not HTML text?

Thanks for your help!


On 3 Jan 2009, 10:08 pm, Robin Stark wrote:

When I add the the Fill Master action and change the colors, it shows
in the page. I don’t have to go to Preview to see it. I don’t know why
you have to click the Preview button to see your fill or color
changes. Maybe somebody else has an idea of why that is happening.

I also wanted to say that by adding text to a graphics box, your text
will no longer be HTML. Is that what you want? Mike’s method with the
background image will allow you to have HTML text and the gradient
fill. Or, maybe you are adding an HTML text layer over the top of your
graphics box?

Robin Stark

On Jan 2, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Christian Nuytten wrote:

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your help!

It is not a background image I had in mind.
I remembered from a quicktime ‘screencastonline’ movie, showing a
demonstration of FWE4, that the creator of the movie, while showing
off the product, used a gradual fill!!
So, I have been delving in the menu structure trying to find that
item an also to understand better the inner workings of FWPro :wink:
After a while, I found what I wanted using a ‘Graphic Rectangle’
item and then going to the ‘item’ menu and choosing from there in
the actions submenu - ‘Fill Master’. Phew!
That did the trick!
The only thing that annoys me is that the screen doesn’t update to
show the setting that I change (colors etc)!?!? To view the effect I
have to use the ‘Preview’ button. (Is this normal behaviour?)

I’m rather new to these things so many thanks for your indulgence
and help!


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Is it the search engine will not index when it is not HTML text?

Correct. Text presented as a bitmap image is not text, it is just a
picture of text. As far as Google and other search engines are
concerned it could just as easily be a sunset or the Mona Lisa. Alt
text isn’t a good option - it is better than nothing, but only just.

If you want to stand a fighting chance of being found in searches,
use HTML text.


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Hi thatkeith,

Thanks for clearing up my doubt.
I understand now.



On 4 Jan 2009, 3:59 pm, thatkeith wrote:

Is it the search engine will not index when it is not HTML text?

Correct. Text presented as a bitmap image is not text, it is just a
picture of text. As far as Google and other search engines are
concerned it could just as easily be a sunset or the Mona Lisa. Alt
text isn’t a good option - it is better than nothing, but only just.

If you want to stand a fighting chance of being found in searches,
use HTML text.


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How to achieve a text over a graphic item, with the HTML text item transparent? (I can’t get the HTML item transparent.)
Text is fine (black) but when placing it above the graphic item it covers it with its white background. hmmm.

any suggestions?



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Sometime around 4/1/09 (at 13:48 -0500) Christian Nuytten said:

Text is fine (black) but when placing it above the graphic item it
covers it with its white background. hmmm.

If you’re using Freeway Express then the way around this is a bit
obscure; it involves setting up a style that includes a background
image and applying it to the HTML box, and not bothering with the
graphic object beneath. You don’t get a preview, and it may feel like
you’re straying into territory that you picked Freeway Express in
order to avoid. It may be worth considering upgrading from Express to

If you’re using Freeway Pro then the above method will work too, but
instead you can simply set the HTML text box (and optionally the
graphic as well) to be layered. Then the HTML box won’t cut a big
hole in whatever it sits on.


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I’m using Freeway Pro, but I do lack the ‘savoir faire’ for creating styles.
(Although your proposition seems to hold the answer on how to proceed, I have the clear impression I need a tutorial on this one. I haven’t ventured yet in the deeper layers of Freeway Pro :wink: )



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I have the clear impression I need a tutorial on this one.

I’ll throw a step-by-step list together. But first I have a review to
finish for MacUser and probably some meetings to attend at college.
The first day of term, even with this ‘pre-teaching week’, can be a
little busy.


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Okay, here’s the Styles-based way to do this…

First you need to have your image prepared as a web-optimised
graphic. GIF or JPEG is normal, although PNG can be used as well.

In Freeway, go to the Styles palette and make a new style.

In the New Style dialog, add the Background Image option from the
Character style popup menu (the plus icon), then pick your image
using the Image popup menu.

(Use this menu to control the tiling/repeat options too, although if
your box will be no larger than the image this isn’t a major concern.)

Name this style something sensible (for example “backgroundImage”)
and click OK.

Select your HTML box and click your new style to apply it. You won’t
see the effect in the design mode (‘Page’ view) in Freeway, but
previewing in Freeway or in a browser will show the background image


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Thank you so much!
You made my day!


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