Freeway 7 Release Notes

Freeway 7.1.4

  • Language, Check, and Range popups work in Spelling and Find dialogs
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when custom font sets are used in media styles
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when switching to a master page
  • Edit URLs dirties pages so they are republished correctly
  • Large background images use less memory and display faster
  • Fixed a problem that could cause percentage-width SVG graphics to be output with pixel widths
  • Fixed a problem that could cause pages to have incorrect widths after reapplying master settings
  • Prevented a hang that could occur when pressing Alt+Left-Arrow
  • Fixed a situation in which Left-arrow failed to move the cursor
  • Option+Left/Right-arrow doesn't ignore paragraph endings when skipping words
  • Cocoa dialogs don't forget their sizes in 10.11
Freeway 7.1.3


  • Freeway can open Chroma .freeway colour files directly
  • Hex prefixes are stripped from colour strings that are entered into the New Colour dialog
  • Freeway can apply colours that are dragged from Chroma
Freeway 7.1.2


  • Fixed a vulnerability in the Sparkle auto-updater
Freeway 7.1.1


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking on the Site panel title bar immediately after switching between Page and Master
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a page contained a bogus 0x0 table item
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if an Action and alias to the same Action are in the Actions folder
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when adding a new media width
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when deleting an item from a page that isn't currently visible
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when duplicating an item on a page that isn't currently visible
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during Japanese text input
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when fitting a box to its content
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when dragging an item in the Site panel immediately after switching between Page and Master
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when searching for text in a document
  • Inflow tables can be wider than their parent boxes
  • Freeway grows parent items when a child item has grown wider
  • The parent of an inflow table is recalculated when table rows are resized, added, or removed
  • Items with a CSS Menu Action (or other Action specifying allows-text-overflow) can be wider than their parent boxes
  • Freeway doesn't increase the width of the ancestors of percentage-width items that are constrained to their content
  • Freeway doesn't change media widths unnecessarily when percentage-width items are constrained
  • Children of items with display turned off don't affect layout
  • Instance pages are redrawn correctly after moving an item on a master page with two windows open
  • The (graphic) font menu in the Inspector palette works again
  • Percentage widths don't change to pixel widths when typing a long word
  • Children of inflow non-displayed items don't prevent displayed items from being selected
  • Freeway indicates items with problem widths (that are preventing a page from being shrunk to its media width) by drawing a red cross over them in the Site panel
  • Added a keyboard shortcut (Control-Command-=) to shrink page to media width
Freeway 7.1


  • Support for media-aware text styles
  • Size option for background images
  • Added Command-R shortcut for Refresh in Freeway's internal Preview
  • Eolas workaround defaults to off for newly imported content
  • SVGs can be output as native web graphics instead of plug-in content
  • Freeway doesn't crash after using keyboard entry in an Edit Styles popup or combo box
  • Freeway doesn't crash when importing HTML that contains a Menu/List
  • Graphic Preview doesn't crash with non-passthrough SVG graphics
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when undoing after switching to a master page
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when undoing after deleting an inflow block item before another inflow block item
  • Fixed a crash that could occur after deleting a labelled item
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when closing document after dragging master on to page
  • Freeway doesn't crash if you apply a colour label in the Link Map view
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a background image is unexpectedly missing from a media background
  • Freeway doesn't hang when calculating how to lay out floated items in an undefined-height item with padding
  • Fixed a crash that could occur after importing an image as a pass-through graphic and undoing
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when drawing shadowed text
  • Freeway doesn't crash after importing styles with shadow colours
  • Freeway doesn't hang or grow items to maximum height when applying a graphic effect to flexible-width items
  • Freeway doesn't hang when clear is set on a floated item following a zero-width floated item
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing an Edit Styles change
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an inflow pass-through graphic has a master (non-graphic) HTML item
  • Fixed issues that could cause Freeway to crash if an instance page is opened in a second window while a master page is being edited
  • Prevented a situation in which Freeway could crash after a carriage return is deleted before an inflow HTML item
  • Freeway doesn't crash if more than 255 characters are pasted into the tag style field
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a file with a bad background image
  • Fixed a "file not found" issue that could occur when publishing
  • Fixed a "file not found" problem that affected publishing when graphics were set to not be published
  • Text decoration is output correctly for link styles
  • Inflow items that were previously right-aligned non-inflow items don't output double widths
  • Graphic effects are output for pass-through graphics
  • Pass-through images with graphic-effect borders are output correctly
  • Extended attributes are output for markup and Action items
  • The Publish (Resource) checkbox is respected when pass-through or inline resources are published
  • Fixed a problem that caused an unwanted span to be added to inflow markup items on a master page
  • Email addresses are encoded when the address isn't preceded by a space
  • Stylesheets are republished after a style has been edited
  • Fixed an issue that could cause images to be missing after publishing from a master page
  • Pages are HTML-dirtied when references to deleted anchors or pages are removed
  • Duplicating an inflow graphic HTML-dirties the page
  • Fixed a problem that caused pages to be dirtied on preview when IE6 compatibility was selected
  • Searching and replacing dirties pages so they are republished correctly
  • Edit URLs dirties pages so they are republished correctly
  • Instance pages are dirtied when the master-page name is changed via the Site panel
  • Fixed a situation in which inflow items are wrongly positioned too far below a floated item
  • Parent flexible-width items with available-width children are resized correctly
  • Form elements can have 100% width
  • SVGs without a width and height are displayed correctly within Freeway
  • Site pages are updated when Paste Markup is used on a master page
  • Fixed a page selection issue after dragging a page into a new document and undo/redoing
  • Freeway recalculates children of Available-width items correctly
  • Corner mounts aren't drawn in wrong place after clearing a media type
  • Max-width doesn't get reset when the dimensions of an item are changed
  • Layer items with top/bottom insets are correctly positioned after a size calculation
  • Table cell/row heights can be set reliably
  • Prevented inflow items from being increased to more than 100% width
  • Page bounds are updated correctly after deleting a media type that isn't currently displayed
  • Boxes don't shrink to zero when external HTML content is imported
  • Item constraining works for an inflow item with auto margins
  • Percentage-width parents are constrained to inflow content
  • Freeway updates page dimensions when a page is constrained
  • Percentage max-width parents are constrained to inflow content
  • Percentage min-width parents are constrained to inflow content
  • Pass-through graphics with percentage widths don't shrink to zero height when pasted as inflows
  • Percentage widths/heights aren't converted to pixel values when an item is pasted as an inflow item
  • Freeway adjusts percentage-sized items correctly when they are pasted as inflow items
  • Flexible-width items don't cause parents to grow when padding, borders, or margins are added
  • Available/max-width items don't grow or shrink when padding is added or removed
  • Parent flexible-width items are resized to fit child flexible-width items
  • Clear works properly on a non-floated item following a zero-width floated item
  • Typing in flexible-width right-floated item doesn't grow the item outside the page bounds
  • Graphic effects don't shrink vertically when output on a pass-through graphic with undefined height
  • Graphic effects don't collapse horizontally when output on a pass-through graphic with undefined width
  • Freeway redraws boxes properly when text is deleted from a flexible-width item
  • Decreasing the width of a sliced HTML item doesn't leave a gap between the right edge and layer child items
  • SVG graphics are displayed at scaled sizes in Freeway
  • Graphic effects applied to HTML items with padding don't cause the item's height to grow
  • Fixed a situation in which inflow items are wrongly overflowed after a floated item
  • Instance pages are redrawn correctly after moving an item on a master page with two windows open
  • Items are constrained correctly when they contain an available-width child inflow with padding or margin
  • Freeway doesn't add an extra carriage return after deleting an inflow item and undo/redo/undoing
  • Inflow items with Display turned off do not affect the layout of parent items with undefined height
  • Display is turned back on when a CSS item is converted to a table-positioned item
  • Inflow items with Display turned off don't affect the layout of parent items with undefined width
  • The Clear setting of inflow items with Display turned off doesn't affect layout
  • Freeway deals correctly with layouts in which the first item is floated right and second is floated left
  • Freeway grows parent items when an available-width child has been grown
  • Form items with defined widths don't change size when they are pasted
  • Items that contain floated graphics don't overflow when their width is shrunk
  • Clicking in an empty flexible-width item with a graphic effect doesn't increase the height to its maximum value
  • Fixed an issue that could cause instances of master items to have bogus percentage heights
  • Freeway's Internal Preview doesn't display a blank page when a document contains Flash content
  • Freeway doesn't display publish problem dialogs when switching between media in Preview mode
  • Fixed a problem that caused Freeway's internal preview to be blank on an external monitor
  • Refreshing Freeway's internal Preview also empties the WebKit cache
  • Updated a number of keyboard shortcuts in non-English localizations
  • Font features work correctly after a font change
  • 1px rules are displayed correctly
  • Fixed a situation where Freeway could fail to draw text shadows for the first word in a paragraph
  • Fixed a situation where text shadows were being clipped
  • Freeway doesn't miscalculate the width of the last line of a paragraph
  • Text in tables that are outside their parent can be edited
  • Freeway displays a progress bar that can be stopped when importing HTML
  • Fixed a problem that made it impossible to locate non-graphic media in the Edit Resources dialog
  • Fixed a problem that caused the Flash fallback option to stop working in the Video Extras Action
  • Submenus no longer overlap main menus when the CSS Menus Action is set to display submenus on the left
  • The submenu custom border interface in the CSS Menus Action now displays correctly
  • A CSS Menus Action JavaScript error no longer appears when publishing from breakpoints
  • Fixed an issue that could cause text sizes to be wrong when using the Auto-populate option in the CSS Menus Action
  • Auto-populated CSS Menus now show styling in live preview
  • Fixed an issue that could cause submenu borders to display incorrectly in the CSS Menus Action
  • The Auto-populate option of the CSS Menus no longer automatically capitalizes menu items
  • Pages no longer scroll to the top when CSS Menus are activated in responsive mode
  • Prevented an error from occurring when CSS Menus Action items are overflowed
  • Fixed an issue that prevented multiple CSS Menus Actions from working on the same page
  • Keyboard entry works in menus
  • "Distribute" is spelled correctly in the Distribute dialog
  • The Edit Resources Delete button deletes background images
  • Table contents are redrawn correctly after a table has been moved
  • Actions aren't wrongly removed from inflow items that are based on master items
  • The Range popup in the Find dialog doesn't overlap with the text field below it
  • Fixed an issue where the media blob would be displayed in the Default tab after deleting a media type
  • The media blob is removed after clearing a media type
  • Media tabs are updated immediately when a media width is changed
  • Prevented a bogus warning from Edit Media Types about used media types being deleted
  • Edit Resources lists background images that are not used by the current media
  • Fixed a problem that prevented Publish Graphic and other settings from being changed for missing graphics
  • The Edit Styles dialog doesn't keep reverting to show CSS and Graphic properties
  • The Site Panel displays links and alt text correctly when items are closed in the Item view
  • Freeway displays background images correctly when Background Scrolls is turned off
  • Fixed a situation in which pages were not redrawn properly after deleting media
  • Fixed a situation in which instance items mistakenly reverted to master settings
  • Save Archive saves files that are not used by the current media
  • The Actions palette displays rollover states of inflow items correctly after switching media views
  • Document Info lists background images that are not used by the current media
  • Edit Resources marks a document as changed when an image is deleted
  • Media background images are updated correctly
  • Style background images that have been changed are marked as modified
  • Inner glow and inner shadow graphic effects are removed when a graphic is reimported as a pass-through
  • Inflow instance items don't revert to master settings when Show Links has been selected
  • Child graphic content isn't lost when a master parent is deleted
  • Alternative sources for Audio/Video content are listed in Edit Resources and checked before publishing
  • Fixed a situation in which the Text Opacity dialog displayed an infinity symbol
  • Freeway automatically locates missing background images when another image is located in the same folder
  • Editing extended style attributes can be undone
  • Fixed a problem that prevented Freeway from saving templates and archives with Action graphics
  • The Display option is available for combined graphics
  • Display is turned back on when a graphic item is dragged into a combined graphic
  • Fixed a problem that prevented Action files from being referenced correctly in templates and archives
  • Fixed a problem that caused "Use master settings" to become unchecked
  • Duplicating an inflow item doesn't remove Clear settings
  • Freeway allows percentage values to be changed in .01 increments
  • The Modify Graphic dialog works properly when it is called from Edit Resources
Freeway 7.0.4


  • Menus created using the CSS Menus Action now close when a menu item has been clicked
Freeway 7.0.3


  • The CSS Menus Action now works as expected on Android devices
Freeway 7.0.2


  • Fixed a problem where background images could be lost after saving a document
Freeway 7.0.1


  • Fixed a problem that caused the Google Analytics Action to stop collecting data
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging a guide from a ruler
  • Pressing Return or Enter inserts a text cursor into a zero-height HTML box with undefined height
  • Inflow graphics with item mappings are published correctly
  • Graphics aren't occasionally output with a solid black background
Freeway 7.0.0


  • Added support for media types and widths
  • Added responsive support to the CSS Menus Action
  • Added the Better Meta Action for adding SEO and social media meta data to pages
  • The CSS Menus now supports automatic menu generation
  • Added an Action for advanced styling of tables
  • figure, figcaption, and main are available as CSS box types
  • The Google Analytics Action now supports Universal Analytics
  • Style names can contain hyphens
  • The current panel in the Inspector Palette can be changed using Command-1, Command-2 etc.
  • Added Next/Previous Page menu options to the View menu
  • Added View menu options with keyboard shortcuts which allow selection of the next/previous sibling box, and the ancestor/first descendant element.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a document contains bad file information
  • Extra lines are no longer added in the output after code entered in markup dialogs
  • Fixed an issue in the French localization, displaying c and C instead of quotation marks around the document title during upload
  • Fixed a problem where styles were removed from lists when links were changed within them
  • Fixed a problem where overtyping text with a paragraph style applied generated a temporary style
  • Fixed a problem that could cause CSS Menu Submenus to appear behind other content
  • Fixed a problem that could cause CSS Menus submenus to appear incorrectly in IE7
  • The Create Email Action now respects pages that have been set as flexible (no width)
  • The CSS Menus Action now supports setting the currently selected page to bold
  • Action markup sections are no longer limited to 32K
  • Added fwMediaTypes property to FWDocument
  • Added fwMediaTypesUpdated as an Actions callback for when the media types in the document are changed from the Customize Media dialog
  • Added fwCurrentMediaType property to FWDocument
  • Made it easier to select parent items when child items are snug to a parental edge - child items are no longer selected if the click is registered outside the bounds of a parent and the child is completely encompassed by the parent.
  • Freeway doesn't crash when you click on a File Upload field in the Preview view
  • Use Master Settings for pages restores style sheets correctly
  • Fixed a situation where a copied layer graphic item was pasted back as a table-positioned item
  • HTML5 video isn't placed behind other content on the page
  • Freeway doesn't generate invalid HTML by nesting anchors
  • Fixed a situation where Freeway published duplicate anchors
  • Fixed a situation where map areas were output incorrectly
  • Freeway doesn't discard clear settings when pasting inflow items
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a link and anchor were applied to a box
  • "Fit Box To Content" causes pass-through graphics and videos to be displayed at their natural size
  • High-resolution pass-through graphics don't get scaled to fractional dimensions
  • Pass-through images are scaled (rather than cropped) if their max-width is less than the width of the image
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when deleting a page that is displayed in Freeway's internal Preview
  • Videos aren't cropped after resizing and undoing
  • Fixed a problem that could prevent a page from an old document being displayed or published
  • Freeway adjusts the size of pass-through content boxes when pasting content copied from within Freeway
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when dragging a Bezier handle
  • Fixed a bug where color changes did not dirty elements using the color in link styles
  • File naming for non-passthrough background images is consistent with file naming for pass-through background images
  • Freeway doesn't output tags for unstyled inline Actions
  • Duplicating in-flow items in the Site panel doesn't convert them to non-inflow items
  • Inline items (apart from HTML items) are always CSS items (and not table-positioned items)
  • Freeway does not allow anchors to be used on submit images
  • Freeway doesn't generate invalid HTML by nesting image maps within anchors
  • CSS styling is output for inline markup items
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when pasting HTML or RTF text
  • Freeway doesn't crash when reverting a document while a list control is displayed
  • The Measurements section of the Inspector palette doesn't show fractional pixel values for inflow items
  • Command-N shortcut restored to appropriate dialogs for creating a new entry in a table. Command-Enter also added as a shortcut to OK the dialogs (where appropriate).
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when pasting items with a folder selected in the Site panel
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while validating Actions before publishing
  • View tabs (for media and master/page/preview etc.) are drawn and erased properly
  • Fixed a situation in which Action files could be HTML-dirtied unnecessarily
  • Background images default to high resolution if "Output high-resolution graphics" is selected in Document Setup
  • Fixed a master-instance problem that could cause a crash or prevent a file from being saved
  • Corner mounts aren't drawn on hidden items
  • Combined graphic outlines aren't drawn on hidden items
  • Added an External Link menu option with shortcut which opens the Edit Hyperlink dialog with the External Panel selected
  • Fixed an issue where extra items were drawn when dragging pages out of the site panel
  • Importing a pass-through graphic into an inflow item doesn't create an extra paragraph
  • Instances of images that are dragged onto a master page have correct settings
  • Non-global shadow angles work
  • Setting an unpublished item to publish dirties the page
  • Extended attributes are output on Action items
  • Freeway doesn't keep adding empty paragraphs after inflow boxes when converting between HTML and GIF
  • Pages don't have "Use Master Settings" turned off if they are created by dragging a master page in the Site panel
  • New pages that are created by dragging a master page in the Site panel don't default to having the same name as the master
  • Percentage-width children of available-width items are calculated correctly
  • Inflow items are output without "position:relative" if they don't have any children
  • Freeway supports fractional percentage values
  • Pass-through graphics are scaled when their box is resized
  • Defined width or height overrides the high-resolution option for pass-through graphics
  • Hidden/unpublished items are displayed with a cross in the Site panel
  • Added a menu option for Add Action to the Edit menu
  • Added Custom Padding and Custom Margin options to the Item menu
  • Added shortcuts for Edit Styles and Document Setup
  • Items are drawn in full when they are being dragged
  • The default browser compatibility level for new documents is now IE8
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for Insert > HTML Item and Insert > Graphic Item
  • Inflow items can be shown or hidden (and are output accordingly)