Freeway Alternative - The Elephant In The Room

Thomas! Thank you!

That video was most helpful! It makes me what to give Pinegrow a try. Yes… You are getting exactly what I’m talking about. I want to create re-usable components for my websites!!! I started to get comfortable with this idea with Backdraft and your talk of “modules.” It’s not exactly the same as a template, but there is some carryover perhaps. It feels more generic than an actual template. Once I have my floats/clears/responsive stuff settled for a 3 column layout I don’t want to have to re-create that every time I need a similar layout.

My “master pages” in FW are little more than header, navmenu, footer. Occassionally I put a paragraph of Lorem text in there just so I don’t have to remember what text styles I want to use, but mostly it is the 3 main components I listed. That is what my “main” master page looks like and it’s what my child pages are linked to. But, I usually have several other “masterpages” that are not real master pages at all. They are not linked to any child pages. They are simply placeholders for these reusable components I want to access easily.

Coda is still helpful for seeing the split view and the code and layout side by side. I like that a lot. It helps me learn what the code is doing in relation to the design. But I’m not ready to take off the training wheels completely. I still want the comfort of an app to hold all this together for me. My elephant is still a baby!

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