FreewayTalk site paragraphs

Apologies if this has been covered before but…

For those of us who post using the web interface, it is frustrating that there is no obvious way to insert paragraph breaks in postings, apart from copying them from previous replies.

Would it be possible to turn carriage returns into paragraph breaks? Or is there some tag we can enter? P-tags aren’t the answer, I’ve discovered…

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On 4 Mar 2008, at 17:30, jeffstewart wrote:

Would it be possible to turn carriage returns into paragraph
breaks? Or is there some tag we can enter? P-tags aren’t the
answer, I’ve discovered…

As I reply by email, and also use various forums, I am in the habit
of hitting return twice to get paragraph spacing.

Like that one then.

I’m not sure if there is a standard or method to enable it, but I’m
sure Walter will know the answer!



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Just type two returns, that magically becomes a paragraph break.

Like that one did.


On Mar 4, 2008, at 12:30 PM, jeffstewart wrote:

Apologies if this has been covered before but…

For those of us who post using the web interface, it is frustrating
that there is no obvious way to insert paragraph breaks in
postings, apart from copying them from previous replies.

Would it be possible to turn carriage returns into paragraph
breaks? Or is there some tag we can enter? P-tags aren’t the
answer, I’ve discovered…

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If you are on the Web interface, you have live feedback in the
Preview pane below the text entry area. So you can see the magic
happen before your eyes.

The basic trick is to use Markdown or BBCode, with the preference
being for Markdown.


On Mar 4, 2008, at 2:38 PM, Heather Kavanagh wrote:

On 4 Mar 2008, at 17:30, jeffstewart wrote:

Would it be possible to turn carriage returns into paragraph
breaks? Or is there some tag we can enter? P-tags aren’t the
answer, I’ve discovered…

As I reply by email, and also use various forums, I am in the habit
of hitting return twice to get paragraph spacing.

Like that one then.

I’m not sure if there is a standard or method to enable it, but I’m
sure Walter will know the answer!



“Freeway - Web Design for All”

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Markdown. Interesting stuff. I’ve always appreciated the Preview window here, but never been able to make it show what I want!

So, everywhere else double returns are bad, here they are good. Never even thought to try them.

And a double space followed by a return
makes for a line break (that one was working just now, but now it isn’t).
Maybe these common shortcuts, and also the use of four spaces to create a space for code

some code
some code

and the Daring Fireball link could go on the About This Site page?

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