Graphics and Text Boxes

I have a text box overlapping a graphic box, I have lost part of the graphic (its a photograph) that the text box overlapps, how do I over come this ie so I can see the text and graphic?

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On 20 Feb. 2008, 4:38 pm, Brian Carlick wrote:

I have a text box overlapping a graphic box, I have lost part of the graphic (its a photograph) that the text box overlapps, how do I over come this ie so I can see the text and graphic?

Hi there is an article here on just that subject from the absent but hopefully to return one day BIG ERNS (-:

hope it helps


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Am I too simple in suggesting to make the text a layer item (Div) and set
background to none if you want to see through it to an image below?

all the best

Brian Carlick said recently:

I have a text box overlapping a graphic box, I have lost part of the graphic
(its a photograph) that the text box overlapps, how do I over come this ie so
I can see the text and graphic?

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Sometime around 21/2/08 (at 09:12 +0000) Brian Steere said:

Am I too simple in suggesting to make the text a layer item (Div) and set
background to none if you want to see through it to an image below?

Nope, not at all! :slight_smile:
Unless Brian Carlick is a Freeway Express user, in which case layers
aren’t an option.


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I am a FW Pro user!

I tried that, seems the first thing to do, failed!

But I you are correct if you change the text box from HTML to gif, then they overlap ok!

Thanks for the help people, much appreciated


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“layer item(div)” ? what does that mean please? I understand layers as per PS but not in FW terms, first site!


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Sometime around 21/2/08 (at 05:06 -0500) Brian Carlick said:

“layer item(div)” ? what does that mean please? I understand layers
as per PS but not in FW terms, first site!

Try not to think too specifically of Photoshop layers. Freeway’s
layers are based on a form of HTML construction; they’re layers in
the output structure sense, not in the designer sense.

Each object can either be layered (in which case it is produced in
the web page in a self-contained item that’s called a ‘div’, short
for ‘page division’ I believe), or it can be UNlayered (in which case
Freeway produces invisible table ‘scaffolding’ to hold things in
place in the layout).

Layer-based layouts are CSS-based layouts. Unlayered layouts are
table-based layouts. CSS-based layouts are the future, in general,
but sometimes the older approach can be more reliable. And having
some items layered and others not can also be worth trying.

Making something layered is as simple as selecting it and clicking
the Layer checkbox in the Inspector palette.

Explore the different ways thetwo approaches behave and interact, and
you’ll learn a lot about making pages that do what you want.

If you want to draw things as layers rather than convert them to
layers afterwards, make sure the big CSS button in Freeway’s tool bar
is blue (on) rather than grey (off). Layers, also knows as divs, are
positioned using CSS code.
Switching the CSS button on does NOT convert anything that’s already
in your page. It just means that any new items you make will be
layers from the start. Switching the CSS button off also doesn’t
affect existing content.

Layered items float over all non-layer items without affecting them.
They float over other layer items that happen to be below in the
stacking order.

Graphic layer items with transparency won’t necessarily be generated
in quite the way you might expect. Freeway doesn’t generate a merged
WYSIWYG simulation of the graphic and any underlying elements.
Instead, it uses the page background colour for filling the ‘empty’
part of the graphic or for antialiasing if you aim to get a GIF with
transparency. Personally, I find this sometimes quite frustrating.
There are workarounds, but so far this isn’t entirely satisfactory.
Although I do understand the logical issues that are involved and
sympathise with those who have to solve things like this.


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Well I did ask! I will have a read of this over a beer this pm, any queries I will be back !


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