Some users are finding that graphics are not being updated in Freeway's internal Preview. Some workarounds were to exit and relaunch Freeway (which takes a bit of time), or to use Preview in Browser instead.
We believe we have found a solution for this issue, and have a temporary fix for those that do not want to wait for the next update. This fix has been minimally tested and is offered as-is.
Freeway Pro users, please go to Terminal (Applications > Utilities) and enter this command:
defaults write com.softpress.FreewayPro WebKitCacheModelPreferenceKey -int '0'
Freeway Express users should use this commenad:
defaults write com.softpress.FreewayExpress WebKitCacheModelPreferenceKey -int '0'
Now when you relaunch Freeway, the internal Preview should update as expected.