hack email form hidden second recepient

Does someone know a hack or a possibility that makes me able to use a client email as recipient, mine as well but hidden? Would come in handy.

I use the FW in-build page action “send form”.

Thanks a lot!

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If you mean a contact form that can send a confirmation to the sender as well as an email to the recipient (you) but with your address not being used in the confirmation? The PHP easiForm action will allow you to send a confirmation email, this confirmation can be set to not use your address so the sender does not know your email address unless you ten reply to the actual email that is sent to the recipient.

Your server will need to be ioncube friendly and the action costs $20 per domain, if you want to give it a go then set the form up using the actions, make sure your host is ioncube friendly and that you are happy it all works as you expect, then if you are happy you can make the purchase… You do not need to buy it to try it.

You can see more here:

Or you can download the ‘In depth’ pdf from this page:

The two above where written in FW 3.5 or FW4’s early days so they are not up to date for FW7 but the basics are still fairly much the same.


On 28 Jan 2015, at 11:56 am, sonjanna email@hidden wrote:

Does someone know a hack or a possibility that makes me able to use a client email as recipient, mine as well but hidden? Would come in handy.

I use the FW in-build page action “send form”.

Thanks a lot!

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Thanks. I know the PHP easiForm action, but I already have a an existing form, which I don `t like to change. It is not so important, I am just curious, is one can achieve this.

freewaytalk mailing list
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Thanks. I know the PHP easiForm action, but I already have a an existing form, which I don `t like to change. It is not so important, I am just curious, is one can achieve this.

Talk to Tim Plumb – he has hacked the Send Form PHP file for me in the past when I needed more functionality than what the action offered.

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You can certainly send to more than one recipient by using a comma separated list of email addresses but they will all show in the email header.


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Caleb, thanks - yes sure, I don´t use Tim`s form though. The website is already online and payed. The matter is not that important :wink: My first truly responsive website with FW7 by the way. To be honest, I am a bit proud ;).

David, yes I already use two email addresses separated with comma.

Thanks to all for your ideas!

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