How do you do this...??

Hi all,

I’ve seen something on the Apple website and i’d like to learn how to do it, see: Mac - Apple

It’s under the main nav at the top - I like how you can scroll through the Apple accessories, hardware, software etc. I think it looks really clean and neat, even down to the categories on the slider how you can click them and it scolls to them smoothly. Is this easy to do, i’d like to have a go at this if anyone knows of a tutorial or action.

Thanks in advance


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Try Walter’s Carousel action which is part of the Protaculous action <>. It’s similar to what you want. If you want to get your hands dirty you can do it manually using scriptaculous/prototype which is what Walter’s action and Apple use. MooTools <> is another [manual] option. I’m unsure as to whether Weaver’s MooTools action suite <> can do the horizontal thing currently.


On Nov 18, 2007, at 3:24 PM, lfcredbird7 wrote:

Hi all,

I’ve seen something on the Apple website and i’d like to learn how to do it, see:

It’s under the main nav at the top - I like how you can scroll through the Apple accessories, hardware, software etc. I think it looks really clean and neat, even down to the categories on the slider how you can click them and it scolls to them smoothly. Is this easy to do, i’d like to have a go at this if anyone knows of a tutorial or action.

Check out this thread for step-by-step directions on how to apply the Carousel action. There is a link to a Freeway document with the action applied and ready to go.


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