I am begining to think that Xway is dead.

It has been over 3.5 years and Xway has not moved past simple. I can’t even use simple actions in the Beta 6. Is this the end for Xway? seriously asking from a Freeway LOVER.

Hi Wermhole,

What Actions do you need to use? Xway has a lot of built-in functionality that isn’t in Freeway.

There are some core areas of functionality that we’re still working on, but Xway is some way ahead of Freeway in many areas (especially CSS layout). What it doesn’t have is table-layout, which was deprecated around 20 years ago.


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One of the actions I use the most is Random Image. I can’t find anything on it in the manual.

I suppose the closest to that would be to use an Exhibeo slideshow, but it’s not random.

Exhibeo slideshows are imported as components. Someone could make a Random Image component, perhaps. You can also paste CSS and JavaScript in Xway’s markup sections, if you know what you’re doing.

Our long-term plan is to add some form of Actions, but there are other things we need to do first.

Thanks for the reply.

I have been a Freeway user for years and had reservations about using Xway. Now that I use it, I see that I can do the same as Freeway and introduce important improvements in my web developments. But it is necessary to think in another way and I advise you to study a little HTML 5. One of the interesting things to incorporate is to be able to read external CCS and JavaScript files. Entering the code in the current fields intended for it is difficult to work with this data.

If you use CCS (there is a lot of code available on the web) you will be able to do everything you want and you will discover the power of the new Xway.