is it possible to disable the download button on the share section of exhibeo


is it possble to disable the download button on the share section of exhibeo?



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Good point.

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is it possble to disable the download button on the share section of exhibeo?

I’m assuming you mean the Photoswipe theme as I can’t find a share option for any other themes.

Until they make an option button for that, you my try including this overly complicated CSS style:

.pswp__share-tooltip a.pswp__share--download { 

You can include it in your document head between <style></style> tags. Or if you know what a selector and property/value declaration is-- and how to , then just use the style editor. This style will hide the download option from the share menu of the PhotoSwipe theme.

I actually like the share option and wish it was available in more themes.

Also, I don’t really need to give the speech, do I? The one about how disabling the download button only keeps really stupid people from downloading your image? Remember? That speech about how the internet works and how any fetus with an iPhone could run rings around your attempts to “protect” your images? It’s the speech that ends by saying that the ONLY way to protect your images is to never ever show them in the first place. And once you do, you can never ever take them back.

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I think you miss the point Ernie.

Yes, it is trivial for someone who wants to download any image to do so and there’s nothing you can really do to stop them (without the help of the OS makers).

However, having a button with ‘Download’ written on it is saying to the visitor, ‘please feel free to download and use this image for whatever you want’.

If there is no Download button, then anyone who goes through the hoops to download it in other ways, knows that they are stealing the image.

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I think you miss the point Ernie.

Sir, you are poking the bear.

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Hi Ernie, Grant,

thanks for your input, I didn’t want the option of a download button as people have used my images before without my permission to make t-shirts and sell them.

Keith from Softpress pointed out that on the photoswipe theme there is a share tick box on the setup menu, so once unchecked your good to go.



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Hey all

does anyone know the ‘secret’ with Exhibeo 2 photoswipe that has both square and landscape images… I cannot figure out how to get the images to show full ratio once enlarged

thx for any input

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