I would like to make the font larger in the red boxes, especially the photo count.
Hi Jerry,
You can change the font size for the gallery controls by overriding the font size that Thumblie uses for these elements.
If you enter the following in the CSS Markup section of the Page Inspector (in Xway), this will set the font size to 1.5em (double the default value of 0.75em):
font-size: 1.5em !important;
Thank you Jeremy for your response.
Will the instructions you gave the same for Freeway?
Even though it is a pain having to use Freeway on my older iMac, I feel that I must remain because my website uses tables extensively, that is not possible in the current version of Xway.
Being able to now import Freeway projects I hate to give up some of the features I enjoyed in Freeway so much.
Keep up the good work.
Jerry Jambazian
Photographer for the City of Temple City and
Temple City Unified School District
9136 Las Tunas Dr
Temple City, CA 91780
626 643-9460
Freeway doesn’t have CSS Markup, but you can wrap the markup in a <style>
element and add that via the Page Markup dialog, choosing “Before <\head>
font-size: 1.5em !important;
Thank you as always Jeremy.
I even increased it to 2.5em because it looks better on a cell phone.