Link question


Is there a way in Freeway 5 to designate links in a particular section
of a page to automatically behave differently than the overall page
as far as color and various other aspects such as bold, underline, etc.?

For example… if I have a link in a content area of my page, I don’t
mind it automatically getting the page link styling – in this case
plain, non-underlined, and whatever colors I want for the link,
visited, hover, active.

But I have another element on the page (in this case a table) where
I’d like any links I put there to automatically take on a different
appearance… maybe bold instead of plain, and some different colors
for link, visited, hover, active.


Mike Yenco

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On 8 Mar 2008, at 23:04, Mike Yenco wrote:

Is there a way in Freeway 5 to designate links in a particular section
of a page to automatically behave differently than the overall page
as far as color and various other aspects such as bold, underline,

Mike, try the ‘Text Link Style’ action included with Freeway.

best wishes

Paul Bradforth

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Another option is to do this manually with CSS. Create a target link style, for example:


then apply this to the text you want to make into a link.

Then in the Tag field create the various link states that target this particular style, for example:

.mylink a
.mylink a:hover

These don’t get applied to anything but will be triggered by the target style.

You can create as many different styles in this manner as you like. This also works for FW 4.


On Mar 8, 2008, at 5:09 PM, Paul Bradforth wrote:

Mike, try the ‘Text Link Style’ action included with Freeway.


Thanks. Unfortunately the Text Link Style action doesn’t quite seem
to be as flexible as the page link options. For example, there
doesn’t appear to be any way to automatically have any link within the
selected table turn bold, and as it happens in this particular table,
there is text that is not a link and text that is and I wanted the
links to stand out a bit more.

Mike Yenco

On Mar 8, 2008, at 6:09 PM, Paul Bradforth wrote:

Is there a way in Freeway 5 to designate links in a particular
of a page to automatically behave differently than the overall page
as far as color and various other aspects such as bold, underline,

Mike, try the ‘Text Link Style’ action included with Freeway.

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Thanks. Bit of an issue with that as I’m designing several layouts in
Freeway, publishing them to .html, but then having another app flow
content into whichever one I happen to select, hence the reason I was
looking for something that would automatically apply a particular
appearance to any links that are placed into it in this particular

Mike Yenco

On Mar 8, 2008, at 8:12 PM, Todd wrote:

Another option is to do this manually with CSS. Create a target link
style, for example:


then apply this to the text you want to make into a link.

Then in the Tag field create the various link states that target
this particular style, for example:

.mylink a
.mylink a:hover

These don’t get applied to anything but will be triggered by the
target style.

You can create as many different styles in this manner as you like.
This also works for FW 4.


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I think I found the solution. Although a table element does not have
its own “Links” option in the Inspector window, I just noticed that an
HTML box does. So I tried creating an HTML box, applied the link
appearance I wanted, and then pasted my table into it. The table
inherited the link appearance I was looking for.

Mike Yenco

freewaytalk mailing list
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The CSS way would be to target the div or box your text will flow into. There are several ways to do that with Freeway 4 Pro. (Sorry guys, I may not get up to speed on the update for awhile).

When you create a layered html box, you can name the item. Fwy4 translates that name into an id tag for that structure. To affect all paragraph text in that structure only you would create a style with the name “div#[nameofbox] p” using Fwy4 Style Editor. To force Freeway to publish the style, you would type the name (sans " and ) into the Tag field. The browser will correctly apply the style.

If you have several div-boxes that use the same style, then instead of targeting the unique id tag of each box, you can create one “class” style. You can assign a class style to a box by ctrl-clicking the box and choosing Extended from the submenu. Choose the

tab and create a new attribute with the name “class” and a value of whatever you want the name of the class style to be (stick to alpha chars, lower-case, no spaces or marks). Then, go back to the Style Editor as before and name your style “div.[classname] p” in the Tag field. Again, the browser puts it all together.

If your dynamic text includes HTML tags (like h1,h2, em, etc.) then you can target them the same way with either these methods. Just substitute the html tag you want in place of the p, which stands for the paragraph tag.

Sorry for only giving FW4 example - might be awhile before I can upgrade, then I’ll be the one asking questions :slight_smile:

On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 7:01 PM, Mike Yenco wrote:


Thanks. Bit of an issue with that as I’m designing several layouts in
Freeway, publishing them to .html, but then having another app flow
content into whichever one I happen to select, hence the reason I was
looking for something that would automatically apply a particular
appearance to any links that are placed into it in this particular

Mike Yenco

Ernie Simpson – Freeway 4 Pro User –

Welcome back Ernie.

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