Lost site but files safe

I’ve been using the demo for a couple of days and am beginning to grasp it! However, the program crashed and on re-launch took me back to my last save (which was much longer ago than it should have been!) The files I’ve built since the last save are still in the site folder but how can I import them (the import option is greyed out) rather than building them again?

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On 21 Sep 2008, at 16:44, Hector’s Dad wrote:

rather than building them again?

I’m afraid there is no other way around than precisely what you are
afraid of!

(welcome to the club)

BW, Omar K N

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Thanks. Not what I was hoping for but at least I’m not missing something obvious.

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Sometime around 21/9/08 (at 10:44 -0400) Hector’s Dad said:

the program crashed and on re-launch took me back to my last save
(which was much longer ago than it should have been!)

I’m afraid the published output isn’t something you can import
reliably. Think of it as being similar to the print output from a
traditional page layout app.

Through years of experience with all kinds of software I’ve developed
a habit of saving pretty damn regularly. It is just something we have
to do in this digital world. :expressionless:

Good to know you’re getting the hang of it though. It is likely that
your remake will go faster, and you may find you improve on it as
well. Best of luck!


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I’m “playing” with Freeway as I usually code by hand but can’t cope with the hoops you have to go through to get older versions of Internet Explorer to play ball!

I’m finding lots of things I can’t yet fathom in the way it works but I’m sure I’ll get there.

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