Menu/List sizes?

I have created a form with 2 multiple-select lists located here:

One of the lists is wider than the other. Why? I have tried adjusting the size of the lists in Freeway, but they don’t change. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.


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I think I figured it out- the length of the text is longer in one than in the other. Is there any way to make them the same size?

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Sometime around 28/9/09 (at 11:14 -0400) twb716 said:

Is there any way to make them the same size?

Make a honkin’ big table and put each form element and descriptive
text into its own cell in the table? Then if a string of text
requires more width, all the cells in that column will follow suit.

I don’t like using actual hand-made table structures as design aids.
In fact, it is something that should be actively discouraged. BUT
sometimes it is the right tool for the job - as it is here.


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Thanks for the info. That’s exactly what I have done- each element (descriptive text, elements, instructions, etc.) has it’s own cell. I have tried expanding cell sizes to way off the page, etc. The only thing that helped was to copy the text in the lists EXACTLY to what the other one was. Is there a way to have them be the same size without them having the exactly same text length? Thanks again.


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