Moo & Scripty

In a comparison I’m finding that Scripty has a tendency to choke on fast cursor movements or crazy-clicking much more often than Moo which usually results in an effect not firing or just general unexpected behavior which requires a page refresh to reset. Is this just the nature of these types of effects or is it possible to minimize the chance of this happening?

Do a lot of quick mouseover/mouseoff on this example and you should see at least one effect fail or misbehave. <>


FYI: Moo has a flag in many of its effects: ‘wait:[true|false]’ that dictates whether any currently firing event should make new triggers ‘wait’ for its completion before firing anything new. That is probably what is helping prevent effects competing with each other.

Scripty may have its own equivalent (Walter). A brief search turned up 'queue’s:

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Right. Queues are defined slots that the effects run in. If you set
two different effects to run in the same queue, then they will always
wait for each other to finish. There’s another trick you can do in
any Scripty-based system, and that is using the callback functions to
call the next effect. So if you have one effect and want another to
fire after it’s all done:

new Effect.Appear('something',{
	duration: 3,
	afterFinish: function(obj){
		new Effect.Shake(obj.element)

These callback slots are listed here: <


On Mar 3, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Weaver wrote:

FYI: Moo has a flag in many of its effects: ‘wait:[true|false]’
that dictates whether any currently firing event should make new
triggers ‘wait’ for its completion before firing anything new.
That is probably what is helping prevent effects competing with
each other.

Scripty may have its own equivalent (Walter). A brief search
turned up 'queue’s:

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Thanks Guys, I’ll take a closer look.


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